Chapter 25

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(A/N: Back to Ron's POV. I just wanted to give you guys a short fluffy chapter this time. <3)

Ron had been meeting up with Blaise in the room of requirement over the last few days and he was just about to. It was weird to think, that room was what started all this. If it hadn't been for old Binns pairing them up Ron would've missed out on so much. He smiled and entered the room.

The layout and decor had changed since all that time ago. Ron didn't really have an idea of what he wanted it to look like. It was just a room right? Apparently Blaise didn't agree. It honestly resembled the hufflepuff common room more than anything. The lighting was yellow and warm, like the sun. There were big velvet sofas placed around the room, an oak coffee table in the middle, books spilling from the shelves, and too many potted plants- sprouting in varying shades of green from around the room.

Though Ron had to admit- he liked the decor, he could only really pay attention to Blaise, who was already in the room, sitting one of the sofas. "There you are." Zabini began, "You're a little late."
"Yeah, sorry- Hermione wouldn't let me leave until I'd finished my charms homework." Ron spoke as he sat down next to the other.
"Well then I'm surprised it didn't take you longer." Blaise joked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron asked, pretending to be offended. The shorter let out a small laugh, leaning against Ron's shoulder.  "Nothing Ron, I'm sure you're perfectly capable  doing your charms homework." He spoke sarcastically.
Ron admitted defeat, "Yeah ok, Blaise." He reached for Blaise's hand and entwined their fingers.

They didn't really do much when they met up- they talked, they kissed sometimes- but it was also one of the only times they were allowed to relax. Between homework and the chaos of being social, this was their chance to escape.

Ron broke out of the daydream and instinctively looked back at Blaise. Not really thinking before the words left his mouth (because he didn't really have to anymore) he spoke: "Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?" A warm smile grew on Blaise's face and Ron could tell he was pleased, "You could stand to mention it from time to time."
"Well you are." Ron concluded, smiled, and pecked the other on the lips.
"Wow Weasley, i didn't know you were such a romantic." Blaise joked.
Ron redirected: "It's your fault, you bring out this side of me."
"What can I say?" Blaise smirked, "I guess I just bring out the best in people."
"I guess you do." Ron replied.

"You know, since we've started dating and everything- we should go on an actual date." Ron suggested.
"Good idea, where though?" Blaise asked.
Ron answered, "I'll decide, it'll be a surprise."
Blaise enquired, "Ok, is Friday good?"
"Yeah, that's fine." Ron replied.

Honestly, Ron had no idea where they were going to go, but he was going to make sure Blaise would be happy. They would still be off school then so they had a lot of options. They could literally go anywhere. It was unnerving, having this much freedom, when you're used to a boarding school. It would be harder to choose than he thought, but he knew whatever happened it would turn out great- because he was with Blaise.

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