Chapter 24

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(A/N: Just to be clear- this is the chapter about how Drarry happened).

Harry POV:

Both Ron and Blaise had just walked off, leaving Harry with- Draco. Honestly, he didn't know what they were up to, but anyone could tell that was staged. Sighing- he finally met eyes with the guy sitting across from him. He could feel the tension weighing down on his shoulders; he tried to start a relatively normal conversation: "How much you want to bet they're dating?"
Draco replied, "No chance. With them acting like that, I'd be stupid to bet against it." Harry nodded and looked away. It was still just as awkward.

"Look- we need to talk about what happened at the party." Draco began. At least Harry didn't have to bring it up now, "Yeah, um, we should."
"Listen," Draco took a breath in, seeming to be preparing himself for what he was about to say; Like a script he'd rehearsed repeatedly inside his head. "Ever since I've known you, we were expected to hate each other. So much so I convinced myself I did. But we were too young to understand what hatred really was. I'm not sure I do now. I've always assumed what I felt for you- was our rivalry. But at the party, even I had to accept that we crossed the line. What I'm trying to say is, I think I have feelings for you."

"I really did not expect you to be that open- wow." Harry continued, "I don't have a big monologue for you, talking about how I came to realise my feelings, I just know I like you Draco. I'm not sure how long I've felt like this, but I know that after the party- I've wanted to be with you. Can we do that?"

"Um, excuse me-" Both Harry's and Draco's heads swiveled around to face the waitress, who must've arrived to serve the table. "-How long have you been standing there?" Harry enquired.
"Long enough." She gave an awkward smile and walked away.  With that- the two instinctively burst out laughing. "How didn't we notice there was a literal person standing right next to us?" Harry queried.
"She had to wait there all that time!" Draco exclaimed through laughter.
"How did she sit through your entire life story and still wait there even longer!" Harry questioned. The ice had been broken. It felt weird to say- but this was kind of fun.

The laughter eventually died out and Harry regained to ability to speak seriously: "So what do we do now?"
"I'm not entirely sure, this has never happened before." Draco admitted.
He responded, "Well what do you want to happen?"

Just as Draco opened his mouth to speak he looked across the room- where the waitress was talking to someone who seemed to be the manager. "We haven't brought anything, I think they're getting suspicious." Harry claimed.
"We should go somewhere else before they get here." Draco agreed. They stood up and Harry lightly placed his hand on the centre of the Draco's back, encouraging him to hurry. The pair leaving must've convinced management that they'd stolen something because they continued to follow when Harry glimpsed behind.

He leant in close and whispered to Draco: "We're being followed."
"How close are they?" The other responded.
Harry answered: "Not too close, they're still next to the cafe." The blond glanced over at the tall mess of flowers they were now approaching, "We're going to hide in that big rose bush over there, and wait until they pass us." Of course, Harry being Harry, didn't think about that consequences of this plan- and apparently neither did Draco.

And it's a good thing he didn't because before he knew, thorns teared at his skin and leaves brushed against his face as he felt himself land on the soil. "I didn't expect to end up in a bush today." Harry stated simply.
"No one would." Draco replied.
He announced,"I really didn't expect this from you Malfoy."
"Well I didn't want today to be like every other, so I'm improvising here."
"What did you want to change?" Harry enquired.
"I think I've made that obvious enough for even you to pick up on." Draco stated.
"Yeah, I think I got the message." Harry leant over and placed a kiss on the other's cheek. Malfoy looked down trying to hide the sheepish grin plastered across his face- "Did we really just start dating, sitting in a bush?" He looked up to face Harry- trying to appear cynical but still visibly unable to hide the happiness in his expression. "At least it's a rose bush-" Harry justified, trying to contain the incoming laughter.
"Oh yes, because that's so much better." The other agreed sarcastically, before giving in and laughing. Harry extended his hand to the blond: "Come on, let's get out of here already," He suggested, "then you can go back to acting all moody."
"I'm not moody!" Draco objected, as they pushed back through the bush and onto the path.
Harry teased, "Yeah ok- sure."
"Well I guess I could be nicer with you," Draco reasoned, "But no more exceptions."
"Deal." Harry agreed.

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