Chapter 14

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(Back to Ron's POV):

It was 7:20 so Ron decided to start heading to the astronomy tower. It was a little early but he didn't want to risk anything. Hermione had given him a key if the door was locked; who knows why she had one.

Ron was pulled from his thoughts when he stopped moving- face to face with a door. Unlocking it after several tries he entered the room.

Though the lights were off, the room was illuminated by starlight, streaming in from the balcony. On either side of the space were desks  folded and stacked up in the corners that left the main floor accessible. The ceiling was high and decorated in drawings of constellations. On an ordinary evening it would just be an empty classroom, but tonight the clouds had dissipated completely, giving way to even the dimmest of stars; somehow making everything ten times more beautiful.

Ron couldn't help gasping as he reached the balcony. He didn't know how long he was standing there like that, all he knew is that he was still there when the door creaked open. Turning around, his eyes landed on Blaise. A turmoil or both relief and anxiety washed over him.

"Hey-"Blaise began. Ron didn't speak. All he could think about was- him. Blaise's skin glowed a silver tint in the light and his eyes- his eyes were....ethereal. It looked like the entire galaxy were trapped inside and bursting to escape.

Ron felt his heart pounding at his chest as Blaise continued: "Listen Ron, I came here because I wanted to tell you in person; I- this should end."
Ron asked, "What can I do to convince you to give me one last chance."
"It's not about you, it's us." Blaise furthered, "I've tried- I really have, but we just don't work. It'll be better for both of us if I just end it now, before anyone gets hurt."
"Do you really want to just- give up? Maybe I could before....but now, I'm in too deep. I need you Blaise." Ron confessed.
Zabini concluded, "I'm sorry- this was a bad idea. I should go-" He turned to leave but before he could take a step forward he felt a warm grip on his arm. Blaise turned round to face him. "If you're sure it's what you want- I'll get over you. I want you to be happy." Ron claimed. With that- Blaise leant forward and placed a soft kiss on Ron's cheek. "Thank you." Blaise responded. Ron gave only a small smile in reply whilst despair filled his eyes. His hand dropped to his side as Zabini started to walk away.

The door closed with a thud as he was left standing alone in an empty classroom. Tears started to spill down his cheeks as he stared into the spot where Blaise left the room. He had promised Blaise he'd move on but in truth- he didn't know how. Emotions weren't a switch, he couldn't just turn off what he felt for Blaise. Hermione did say it would go in time but he wasn't so sure. For those brief moments when they kissed, it's like he finally found where he belonged. Blaise wasn't his world- the world was messy and tragic and corrupt. Blaise was heaven.

But he meant what he said. Blaise's happiness really was all that mattered. Ron would find a way- for him.

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