Chapter 21

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Time had passed from the night of the party until it had finally reached Thursday. Ron hadn't done too much recently so he was hoping this would be more enjoyable then staying on school grounds all day.

Harry and Draco thought they were just going to get food somewhere, that Hermione and Pansy were simply busy.

"Here's the place I wanted to go to-" Ron gestured towards a little cottage in the middle of a flower field that, if you squinted, you could see it had been made into a shop- or cafe. "They've got great muffins."
"You weren't exaggerating when you said it was in the middle of a field, were you?" Draco stated, sounding tired.
Ron responded: "Nope. Let's go."

Ron began walking down the worn path, parting the flowers. Blaise followed behind him, trying to will Draco and Harry to join them.

There were all types of flowers, Ron had to admit they were all beautiful. Sunflowers, tulips, roses, foxglove, lilies, everything. The air was fragrant with a million different scents and the sun was shining down from a clear blue sky. It was like a scene from a fairytale.

They arrived at the front of the cafe when Ron claimed, "I lost my wallet. Bloody hell, I'll have to go all the way back through the field."
On cue, Blaise replied: "I'll help you look while Draco and Harry get a table." The two walked back down the path while Harry and Draco wandered inside. Sitting down at a nearby table   Harry suggested, "How much you want to bet they're dating."
"No chance, with them acting like that I'd be stupid to bet against it." Draco responded.

Blaise and Ron had now made it to where they started off, standing between pavement and vibrant flowers. "I can't believe that worked!" Blaise exclaimed. Just as he said that, they both went quiet- there were footsteps in the distance, getting slightly louder every second. "Come on, we've got go before they see us!" Blaise pressed- assuming it was Draco and  Harry who were approaching. "Where?" Ron questioned. The other looked around quickly: "We can hide in the woods over there."

Ron didn't have time to respond to- or even process what had been said, since Blaise grabbed him by the wrist and started running across to where the group of trees, that he guessed were actually the woods, were standing tall. He could feel his face warming at the contact- blushing. Not this again.

They had reached the woods now and Ron realised just how big it actually was. From a distance it looked like a couple of trees, but here, when you had just jumped over a bush and into the midst of it all- it was overwhelming. Or it would have been- if he wasn't almost entirely focused on the guy standing next to him. The guy who was still gripping his wrist-.

It wouldn't have surprised Ron if Blaise could read minds, considering he let go as soon as the thought left Ron's head. Apparently, Blaise was trying to ignore what just happened, as he announced: "Well we can't go back that way, so I guess we have to walk through here."
"Do you have any idea where this leads?" Ron enquired.
"I guess we'll just have to find out." Zabini exclaimed.
Ron sighed: "We're going to get lost aren't we."
"Of course." Blaise concluded.
Ron trudged along beside the other and complained, "Don't you have a spell for this, or something?"
"Don't you?" Blaise redirected.
"You're supposed to be smart, or something," Ron explained, "I don't know." 
"Did you just compliment me?" Blaise smirked.
"No!" Ron protested.
"Yes you did!" Blaise teased, "you called me smart."
"Whatever." Ron replied.
"Mr. Weasley," Blaise announced in an exaggerated posh voice, "from the depths of my wisdom, I declare you- short!"
"Stop messing around- I'm taller than you!" Ron objected.
"How do I know you're not just  wearing platforms!" He claimed, trying to keep a straight face.
Ron gestured to his trainers, "Do I look like I'm wearing platforms?!"
"Yep," Blaise mocked, "they're purple and sparkly." Ron didn't respond- having had enough of Blaise's teasing, he  shoved him in the shoulder.

"Hey!" The other exclaimed, returning the shove.
"Don't hit me!" Ron protested, as he pushed him to the side.
Blaise argued: "You hit me first!" At this point they were both aware that they were behaving like little children- but both too stubborn to admit it.

"Race you to that tree." Blaise decided. And without thinking they both darted off toward the large oak tree Blaise had pointed to. Ron was shocked with the speed the other was going-but in hindsight, Ron remembered how he could barely keep up with him, when they were running towards these woods earlier .

"Ha!" Blaise celebrated, "I win!" With that he laid down on the floor, apparently to catch his breath. "Not fair- I didn't agree to race!" Ron justified.
Blaise highlighted: "But you still ran." Admitting defeat, Ron now laid down a foot away from Blaise, staring up the sky.

(A/N: Sorry I'll have to continue this next chapter or it'll end up going on too long.)

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