Chapter 23

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After a while of walking, talking and laughing, they finally reached the end of the woods.  "I can see where we are now. We're not too far away from Hogwarts." Blaise claimed.
"We better hope that Harry and Draco aren't waiting for us. They won't be happy."
"I swear to god, if they're not dating after all that I don't know what'll do." Ron stated, "we were lost in the woods for hours."
"Well it wouldn't be a complete waste of time-" Blaise smiled, reaching for Ron's hand. Ron continued looking forward as he watched the blush creep onto his cheeks. "We should go before Hermione and Pansy start to worry." Ron spoke, trying to avoid embarrassment. Blaise laughed: "You're such a softie."
"What- I'm not!" Ron refused.
"You so are!" He insisted, "you act so stubborn all the time, but you're a literal cinnamon roll."
Ron questioned, "Did you just call me a cinnamon roll?"
"Yes. Yes I did." Blaise let out a laugh.
Ron didn't want to admit it but he was also suppressing a laugh. It wasn't even funny, but seeing the other laugh was contagious. "Come on already, we've got to get there some time." Ron pressed.

It wasn't as long a walk as Ron expected. The woods must have lead in the direction of the castle anyway. Regardless, the sky had fully darkened into night by the time the pair reached school grounds.

Standing in the corridor, outside the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, Blaise gave  Ron a kiss  on the cheek before leaving to go to his own. He took a breath in, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to happen. Stepping through the portrait hole, he was immediately greeted by Hermione's piercing glare. "It's 12am Ron. 12am." Hermione lectured, "what were you doing out so late!" He knew she didn't actually want a response, so Ron just stood there awkwardly while Hermione ranted about how utterly irresponsible he was. He felt bad- he did. But all he could focus on was Blaise. They were actually dating now; it was difficult to believe.

"Are you even listening to me?" Hermione interrupted his thoughts, "Ron- I was worried about you. It's not safe to be out that late."
"I'm Sorry 'Mione, I didn't mean to make you worry." Ron apologized.
She sighed: "Like i said: it's late, we should both go to sleep."
Ron concluded, "I'll see you in the morning then."

He walked up the stairs to his dorm and practically threw himself into his bed. Looking around, he saw Harry sitting on his bed, making Ron jump out of his skin.
"I'm guessing Hermione already lectured you enough, huh," Harry began, "but i have a question."
"What is it?" Ron enquired cautiously.
"Why did you ditch me with Malfoy? You could've just told me you wanted to go somewhere with Blaise." He queried.
Slight panic rose up inside as Ron remembered how Blaise had told him to keep their relationship a secret. It hadn't even been a day and people were already suspicious. "That's not why I left you with him-" He started.
"Why then?" Harry asked.
"Well-" Ron was torn, he'd either have to reveal that he'd set Harry up on a date without his permission- or risk him finding out about Blaise. "Umm, I may have seen you and Draco at the party.... and decided to set you two up on a date."
"And why did you decide to do that?" Harry asked, a tired look on his face.
"I'm sorry mate, but you clearly weren't going to sort it out yourself."
"I would be annoyed- if it hadn't worked." Harry spoke the last part quieter, almost under his breath. "Did you just say it worked? Ron questioned, "are you and Draco dating?"
Harry replied, "Maybe.... yeah."
"Well bloody hell, I didn't expect it to work that quickly." Ron claimed.
"Tell me about it." Harry laughed a little.

(A/N: comment if you want me to do a drarry chapter about them getting together during when Blaise and Ron were lost in the woods. If enough people want it, I will).

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