Chapter 19

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Walking through the portrait Ron was surprised by how much the place had changed since he'd last been there. Music pounded against his brain, as he realised just how many people were there. Most he only knew from glances in the corridors or courtyard. As he searched the crowd for familiar faces- he found that the twins must've altered the lights with magic; for they changed colours, as if to the beat of the music.

"I can see Hermione and Pansy over there!" Harry exclaimed. As he weaved through the crowd, Ron followed behind- trying to spot where the other had motioned.

"There you two are." Hermione mentioned, "it's hard to find people with these lights and music. I prefer Hufflepuff parties."
Ron agreed: "I admit it is a bit much."
"Well, you're not going to have any fun if you stand still the whole time! Come on Granger, we've got to at least dance once!" Pansy persuaded.
"You know you don't have to call me Granger anymore Pans." She mentioned as Pansy lead her towards the dance floor. "It suits you." The other replied.

Ron and Harry were left to follow them to where students appeared to be dancing, nearest to wherever the music was coming from.

He didn't really feel like dancing yet, if all. The current song ended and Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood started playing. He'd always liked the band's music but whenever he mentioned it to anyone they reacted- weird. The tone of the conversation seemed to change and he could never figure out why.

"Not really a fan of dancing huh?" Blaise began. Ron turned around to face the other. He swore under his breath: why'd Zabini have to look this good. This was difficult enough as it was. "Me neither." Blaise added.

Ron asked, "How come I couldn't find you in the crowd?"
"Fred and George were selling things in the back of the room. You know, invisibility hats, exploding confetti. Stupid stuff like that. Blaise explained, "it was difficult to get away."
"That's understandable." Ron admitted. "Well it better be what's happening to Harry right now; he's disappeared."
"Maybe he used that invisibility cloak he has." Blaise suggested.
Ron questioned: "How do you know about that?
"Draco told me about it once-" Blaise explained, "something about a train-"
"Where is Malfoy anyway?" Ron enquired. Blaise looked around: "He's over there." Looking to where Blaise was pointing- he saw Draco. "We should go over there." Blaise suggested. He was about to do just that, when-
"I don't think that's such a good idea Blaise." Ron started.

Draco mustn't of thought anyone was looking, no one would've been, if it weren't for Ron. He and Zabini had to stand there as- to their surprise. Draco started- making out with Harry.

Both Blaise and Ron swiveled back around, now facing the opposite direction of what they'd just witnessed. "I did not expect that!" Zabini exclaimed.
"Bloody hell," Ron claimed, "no one would."
"I thought they were supposed to, not like each other or something." Blaise added.
Ron responded, "Well they're not exactly acting like that right now."
"Ron-" A sly smile crept onto his face, "they don't know we've seen them. "
"What're you planning on doing?" Ron queried.
Blaise suggested: "We should set them up on a date,"
"Why would they agree to it though?" Ron enquired.
Blaise furthered, "Well they wouldn't- agree, to it, exactly; we could- do something like, ditch them in a romantic place."
"That isn't a bad idea." Ron stated.
"I mean," Blaise began, "they'll never get together by themselves."
"We'll be doing them a favour." Ron added.
Blaise stated: "I didn't think you'd agree to this. I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be all- righteous, and everything."
"That doesn't mean I'm boring." Ron pointed out.
"Sure, Weasley, sure" Blaise teased.
Ron protested, "At least I don't act like a prick."
"It gives me character." Blaise replied, smirking again.
Ron responded."Yeah- the villain."
"It's not as bad as you make it out to be. Blaise started, "Heroes are all the same, save the day, rescue the love interest, repeat. Villains are unpredictable- you never really know what goes on in their head, never know how things are going to turn out. Makes everything more interesting, don't you think?"
"I guess so, but they normally lose in the end, don't they?" Ron asked.
"The ones in movies might." Blaise claimed: "But trust me, I'm going to win."

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