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Five years. That's how long it's been since Hiccup wouldn't kill a dragon. Five years since he taught us how to ride on the backs of dragons. Five years since he nearly died defending us from the nest's queen only to escape mostly unscathed- minus a foot. It's been five years since Berk changed for the better. The fighting has stopped. And we're living peacefully with our dragons. Riding with them. Playing. Working. Life on Berk has never been this amazing. And it's all thanks to Hiccup and Toothless. They have such a beautiful, unbreakable bond that is hard to come by and even harder to break.

Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from my bull-headed, stubborn cousin. Hiccup never knows when to quit. Sometimes it's admirable and effective, but other times it causes more harm than good. But like his father, my Uncle Stoick, once they have their mind set on something, there is no stopping them. I guess that's why it's hard for them to get along. They're so similar. Growing up, I found it hard to stay out of their disagreements living with them and all.

See, Hiccup and I are the same age and though we're cousins, we always joke that we are fraternal twins. We do everything together. My mom soon after giving birth died. She was weak and sickly throughout the pregnancy and the town elder said that giving birth put too much strain on her body. Uncle Stoick said that she was at least able to hold me in her arms and name me. Then, my dad lost his life during a search for the dragon's nest. I was barely a toddler when he died and I don't remember much about him. The earliest memory of a father is my Uncle Stoick. He took me in and raised me alongside Hiccup while also dealing with the loss of his wife Valka. I don't remember her. Uncle says that Hiccup and I were babes when she was killed by a dragon, but he talks about her all the time. In every story, I could feel the love they shared and how much he missed her.

I guess now is as good of a time as any to introduce myself, huh? My name is Revna. My mother named me for my raven black hair and uniquely purple eyes. I have fair skin much like most people in Berk. And my face is slightly more slender than my friend Astrid's, but still round. I usually wear my long hair in a high braided ponytail that reaches just above the middle of my back while my side bangs and shorter hairs framed my face. And as far as my clothes go, my style is pretty similar to Astrid's, but instead of red, my shirt is dark purple. The color of our pants and skirt match, and like Astrid, I have metal skulls, but I also have crossbones to match.

Astrid and I have always been close. People have gone as far as calling us sisters, considering how much time we spend with each other and how alike we are. We train together and everything, which makes our fighting skills pretty evenly matched. This is why it came as no surprise that like Astrid, I took to a Deadly Nadder, only Amethyst is mostly purple. We found her in an old, abandoned trap. In the weeks that it took for her wing to heal, I never left her side and made sure she ate and stayed hydrated. The poor thing was beyond frightened and would jump at even the smallest of sounds. And she never let anyone get too close to her, threatening to scorch them where they stood.

But I never gave up. Keeping a safe distance, I watched over her and each day I would inch slightly closer. Though it took time, and a few setbacks, we finally gained each other's trust. And when her wing was fully mended, ready to fly, we wasted no time joining the others, carefully, of course. She's still skittish at times, but we manage, and being with other dragons eases her worry. For her, going on rides and playing fetch is child's play because it's where she's most at peace, but she really isn't into The Dragon Races that Hiccup created. The concept seems to elude her and instead of carrying the sheep, she lands and juggles the sheep between her feet, throwing me off in the process. It didn't hurt, but after many failed attempts I learned that Amethyst isn't built for competition. Besides, I much prefer to watch Astrid and Stormfly beat our friends nearly every time.

Yeah, life on Berk is great and I couldn't be happier. Astrid and Hiccup are still going strong and both of them are better for it. Hiccup is becoming a wise leader and Astrid's hard exterior softened. Not by much, but it's better than nothing. She even has it in her head that I'd be happier with a boyfriend, but no guys in Berk around my age, pique my interest, despite Snotlout's many, unrelenting attempts. But I guess he finally understood that I wasn't interested because he's finally stopped his advances, allowing me to breathe once again. Like I've told Astrid on numerous occasions, I don't need nor do I want a boyfriend. Besides, it wouldn't work with me being so busy all the time. And now, Uncle Stoick plans to retire, meaning I'm going to be extra busy taking care of Toothless and Stormfly when Hiccup and Astrid are too busy with their Chieftain duties. But no one seems to get that- oh well. If warding off guys and my nosy friends is the least of my concerns, life can't be that bad. Though I fear that might change. Trouble seems to follow us and our dragons. We've been able to handle ourselves thus far, and I hope that fact remains true in the future.

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