Chapter Five

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"We have to head back for my dragon!"

Hiccup was tossed onto the ground of the icy fortress that resembled the damage done to Eret's fort. The strange masked person somehow ordered a dragon to snatch Hiccup off Toothless, making the disabled Night Fury plummet into the cold, unforgiving water. Fearing the worst for Toothless, Hiccup knew he needed a way out, but he was surrounded by dragons. Thinking quickly, Hiccup took out his special dragon training weapon, igniting the blade. The dragons were mesmerized as Hiccup circled the blade around himself. Then, to top it off, he drew a circle around his body with Zippleback gas and sparked it to life. Seeing that the dragons were entranced by his actions, Hiccup stepped forward, extending his head to show he can be trusted. But before he could make contact, the masked person stepped forward and Hiccup took that as a threat.

"Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist? Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Instead of answering, the masked person moved the staff forward slightly, signaling the dragon holding Toothless to come forward.

Hiccup sighed in relief and rushed forward. "Toothless! It's okay," he soothed, "I'm glad to see you too, bud. You really had me worried there." Toothless affectionately rubbed his head against his rider, but he became protective when the stranger ventured forward. Somehow the stranger put Toothless in a trance with a flourish of the hand and approached Hiccup. Still unsure of the situation, Hiccup did his best to inch away from the stranger's hand, revealing a small scar on his chin that he had no memory of getting. As if recognizing the mark, the stranger recoiled with an audible gasp.

"Hiccup?" The stranger took off the helmet, revealing a beautifully aged woman. Staring at Hiccup in awe, she asked softly, "Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible?"

Hiccup had no idea what to make of this woman who seemed to recognize him. "Uh, should I... should I know you?"

"No. You were only a babe...." she said softly before meeting Hiccup's gaze. "But a mother never forgets."

Hiccup was taken aback by the outlandish reveal. He's heard so many stories about his mother, Valka, from his father. Everyone told him that she died when dragons raided their shores. Hiccup didn't know what to believe. The woman acted as if she didn't notice his lost expression or his mouth moving, trying to sputter out words, and instead encouraged Hiccup to follow her through her fortress.

Meanwhile, Stoick and Gobber flew along, still searching for any signs of where Hiccup and Toothless could be. The blistering winds nipped at their faces. Snow and ice stuck to their facial hair.

"Boar-headed! Just like his mother! She could never stay put either," Stoick vented to his best friend. "Come to think of it, Revna's the same way. Surprised she didn't join him."

Gobber's voice cut through the wind as he reasoned, "Ah, they're just twenty. And Vikings. I mean, could there be a worse combination? And as far as Revna's concerned, she has some sense not to look for a fight. Ha! When I think of how stubborn and senseless you were back in the day... well, not much has changed, actually."

"You know what he's like. He won't give up, Gobber. And if Hiccup finds Drago, before we find him...." Stoick trailed off at the end, refusing to voice his daunting thoughts, fearing they'd come true.

Gobber knew he had to reassure his buddy the best he could. "Bah! Nothing can hurt Hiccup so long as that Night Fury's around. It's a Night Fury!" Stoick relaxed slightly at Gobber's reassurances, but his eyes caught something floating in the dark waters below, surrounded by broken chunks of ice. Swooping Skullcrusher closer to the water, Stoick snatched a helmet in his large hand before leveling his dragon once more. A worried look washed over his features, seeing the familiar design.

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