Chapter Eleven

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"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend."

The young Vikings, Eret, Valka, and Gobber watched with tearful eyes as the boat carrying Stoick's body slowly drifted out to sea. As he spoke about his fallen companion, Gobber handed a bow and arrow to Hiccup. Using the flame from the bonfire, Hiccup lit his arrow before loading it into the bow and shooting it. The flame quickly began to eat away at the ship. Everyone followed suit and watched as the ship was enveloped in orange light from their flames. It was hard to keep the tears at bay and everyone was furiously wiping them away.

After a moment of respectable silence, Hiccup said, "I'm sorry, Dad. I'm not the chief you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don't know..." Revna placed a supporting hand on his shoulder as they continued to watch their father drift away.

"You came early into this world," Valka interjected as she came forward on Hiccup's other side. "You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father... He never doubted. He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son."

Revna moved to wrap her arms around Hiccup's waist and leaned into him as he returned the hug. "I've always believed in you. You are exactly what we need," she reassured. Stoick's ship had long since disappeared through the thick fog, leaving her with a feeling of peace that he was now resting.

With a final squeeze, Hiccup and Revna separated, giving each other a small smile. "I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try." A look of determination replaced the somber look on Hiccup's face as he turned to his friends and family. "A chief protects his own. We're going back."

Tuffnut scoffed, "Uh, with what?"

"He took all the dragons," Ruffnut added. Surprisingly, the twins made a good point. Revna looked at Hiccup expectantly, hoping he had a way off this island.

"Not all of them," Hiccup revealed. Confused glances were passed amongst the young Vikings. What dragons were left? How were they not affected by the Alpha? Hiccup led the group inside the icy sanctuary and they were met by baby dragons flying around aimlessly.

"Hop on," Hiccup ordered, "We're going to stop Drago from harming our dragons and destroying our home." Everyone stared at him incredulously but didn't comment as he mounted one with considerable ease. It took a few tries for each rider- even more so for Eret- but they all eventually secured themselves on a baby. And they were off.

With the least amount of grace Revna ever thought possible, the group was flying out of the sanctuary. But the babies were less than cooperative. You'd be considered lucky if your baby didn't fly you into an iceberg. Protests sounded from everyone as the babies flew in erratic patterns.

"We can't fly these things!"

"Yeah, no kidding!" Just as he finished, Fishlegs crashed into a pile of snow, making Revna cringe.

Astrid somehow steered her baby next to Hiccup and asked worriedly, "But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too?"

"They're babies," Hiccup replied proudly. "They don't listen to anyone!"

Tuffnut laughed. "Yeah, just like us!" Revna couldn't help chuckle at his input.

"Is he always like this?" Revna turned to see Eret next to her, shaking his head at Tuffnut's antics.

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