Chapter Ten

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After Stoick shoved him away, Hiccup staggered up from the ground, still not fully believing what had happened. Toothless had tried to kill him, but his father took the hit instead. And now Stoick was still lying motionless on the ground, nearly buried in chunks of ice. Revna's head shot up at Hiccup's voice, glad he was alive, but her heart twisted, hearing that her uncle intervened. Toothless was huffing as smoke seeped from his mouth, eyes dilated menacingly. Realizing, his father still hadn't moved, Hiccup ran over and crouched down by his side before straining to turn his father over so he would lie on his back.

Valka couldn't believe her eyes, she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Stoick," she whispered, hoping he was alright. She ran to their aid and helped Hiccup turn Stoick over before resting her ear on his chest, searching for a heartbeat.

"No... no," Hiccup muttered, eyes raking over Stoick's face and body. Valka's eyes were wide, breath ragged as she continued to search for her beloved husband's heartbeat. When she found nothing, her heart shattered as she closed her eyes and sighed. Opening her eyes, they rested upon Hiccup, diminishing any hope he had.

"No," he whispered. But he knew the truth as he met his mother's teary eyes. Seeing that his work was done, the new Alpha turned away, freeing Toothless. His pupils widened back to normal before landing on Hiccup, Valka, and Stoick- his family.

Hiccup collapsed onto his father's chest, crying, "No, no, no. No."

The other riders landed and upon seeing the scene, Revna and Astrid gasped and ran to Stoick. Their friends looked on in sadness and worry as Astrid crouched down next to Hiccup and held his shoulders in comfort while Revna sat on the other side of her Aunt, eyes stinging with unshed tears. She looked up as Gobber came and stood next to her. Valka wrapped an arm around Revna's shoulders as they grieved together. Toothless approached the grieving group cautiously. He sniffed Stoick's limp hand, and when he sensed there was no life, he whimpered and nudged his hand affectionately. Toothless had realized what had happened, and more importantly, what he had done, wishing with all his might that he could undo it.

Hiccup saw Toothless near his father and his anger flared as he pushed Toothless away. "No! Get away from him! Go on! Get out of here! Get away!" All the while, Toothless felt worse and worse as he tried to apologize for what he did, but Hiccup didn't want to hear it. Heartbroken, Toothless scampered away with his tail in between his legs. Revna's heart broke more, seeing Hiccup so distraught and watching Toothless leave. And she knew the others' emotions mirrored her own.

"It's not his fault," Valka stated while hugging Hiccup. "You know that."

The Alpha roared, taking control of all the dragons again. Their pupils dilated into scary slits as they all flew to the Alpha. And the Vikings' dragons were no exception. The young Vikings' hearts broke more as they helplessly watched their beloved dragons fly away.

"Good dragons under the control of bad people... do bad things."

Toothless was taken under Alpha's control once more. He tried to fly towards the Alpha, but his prosthetic tail prevented him from doing so. As he tumbled back to the ground, screeching, Drago looked over, and a villainous smirk adorned his face. Taking his bullhook, Drago ripped Toothless out of the sky as he tried to fly again. While Toothless was grounded, Drago jabbed his bullhook into Toothless's neck, pinning him to the ground before roughly mounting on his back. Upon hearing Toothless's painful cry, Revna turned and saw Drago forcibly riding Toothless, gasping at the sight.

"Gather the men and meet me at Berk!"

Hiccup shot up. "Toothless!" He tried to run after them, nearly tripping over Revna in the process, but Valka stopped him.

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