Chapter Eight

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Toothless laid, sleeping peacefully in the grass. A gnawing sensation could be felt on his tail, causing him to wake up with a start. They had gotten back to the sanctuary not too long ago. And while Valka was inside, preparing dinner, Hiccup was hard at work outside, packing his belongings so he and Toothless could leave and find Drago. He was tired of having his ideas shot down, especially when he believed with every fiber that he could change Drago's mind, and even in the slightest chance that he can't, Hiccup was confident that he and Toothless could take him. Hiccup had to do this. For his people. For his father. For his mother. For Astrid. For Revna. For his friends. For Toothless. For all dragons. And for himself.

"Well, bud, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place. We've gotta find him first."

Toothless was vaguely paying attention but was mostly captivated by a baby dragon that was nibbling on his tail.

Hiccup paid the two dragons no mind as he said, "Let's go." But before Hiccup could get far, a large hand covered his mouth and half of his face, muffling his screams.

"Easy now," a familiar voice sounded. Hiccup's temper flared slightly as he wriggled out of his father's arms.

"Are you kidding me? How'd you get in here?"

"The same way we're getting you out," Stoick stated matter-of-factly whilst turning towards a cave entrance.

Hiccup was slightly confused at his father's words. "We?"

His question was answered when Gobber appeared and whispered-shouted, "All clear!"

"Toothless. Come," Stoick commanded. Toothless followed obediently, curious to what was going on with his family.

As they began to maneuver through the cave, Hiccup started, "Dad! There's something you need to know!"

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me on the way," Stoick replied automatically. His main priority was getting HIccup and everyone out safely, not whatever Hiccup had discovered.

Exasperated, Hiccup tried to reason, "This isn't an on-the-way kind of update, actually...."

"I've heard enough, Hiccup," Stoick demanded.

"...More of the earth-shattering development variety," HIccup rushed out, trying to get through his father's thick skull.

"Yeah, add it to the pile," Stoick muttered and continued through the maze.

Hiccup followed closely behind, running to keep up with his father's larger stature. "Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you, this one you'll like. I promise! You just have to handle it delicately, so...."

Hiccup trailed off, nearly colliding into his father who abruptly stopped walking. He peered around Stoick and realized Gobber stopped at a clearing with an awestruck expression, making Hiccup realize that he must've found Valka.

"Uh, you might want to take this one," Gobber stated and pat Stoick's arm as he passed. As Gobber took his place next to Hiccup, Stoick unsheathed his sword, preparing for a fight.

"Dad, can you put the sword away... please?" Hiccup worried about how his father would react. When Stoick entered the clearing, the world stopped. The only sound was from the clang of Stoick's dropped sword. Hiccup and Gobber followed in after Stoick, curious as to what would transpire.

Valka was just as surprised to see him. "I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all these years. And why didn't I come back to you? To our son. Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could? I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?"

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