Chapter Six

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"I don't like it. They should've been back with Hiccup by now," Astrid stated.

The young group of riders sat on an iceberg after flying miles away from Eret's ship. The dragons were exhausted and everyone agreed they needed rest before continuing on home. And if the young Vikings were being honest, they were tired too. Revna stood carefully on the slippery ice and had her wool hood up, covering her freezing ears. But nothing was stopping the frigid winds from biting at her exposed face. Her cheeks and nose were redder than fire and shivers traveled throughout her body. Oh, how Revna hated the cold. Though ironic for a Viking, it was the truest statement ever.

"I don't like it either," Ruffnut exclaimed dramatically, "Eret, Son of Eret, was the man of my dreams. My everything!"

Jealousy gripped at Snotlout. "But, baby, I grew facial hair for you," he said as he stroked the minimal hairs on his face.

"Me too," Fishlegs admitted, rubbing his own peach fuzz. Another shiver took over Revna's body while she rolled her eyes. Now was not the time for childish crushes. Hiccup could be in trouble and this cold was unrelenting. They needed to move now or they'd all turn into Viking popsicles.

Ignoring the three nimrods, Astrid rambled, "What if Drago shot them down? What if they need our help? We have to find them."

Through chattering teeth, Revna asked, "How do you propose we do that?"

"W-wait, what? No, but Stoick said..." Fishlegs trailed off.

Astrid interjected, "It doesn't matter what he said if they've all been captured."

"Astrid's right," Revna added, "And I know just how to go about it. We need an inside man."

A smirk spread across Astrid's face as she nodded in approval. "Do you think he can be persuaded?"

"Oh, I know he can," Revna said, smirking back. "He just needs some... incentive." The young girls shared a knowing, smug look as they each formulated the same plan in their heads. Their friends looked on in apprehension.

"Okay. You guys are scaring me," Fishlegs whimpered. The twins and Snotlout nodded in agreement, eyes wide with terror. Revna and Astrid only laughed, feeling proud of their devious, sneaky minds.

After they settled, Revna faced her friends and stated, "Good. Let's go."

They all mounted their dragons and took off into the wintry sky. The harsh winds forced Revna's hood down, exposing her ears. More shivers shook Revna, but she did her best to ignore them, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. It didn't take long and soon enough, Eret's ship could be seen through the thick fog.

"Since it's your plan, Rev, would you like to do the honors?" Revna let out a single hearty laugh at Astrid's playful tone, but she nodded nonetheless.

As they stealthily approached, Revna heard Eret shout, "We've nowhere to go! Nothing to sell! And no heads to call our own, if we don't turn up with dragons and fast-"

Amethyst nabbed Eret off the deck, cutting off his angry rant. "Careful what you wish for," Revna said in a sing-song voice, peering down at him as he dangled in Amethyst's claws. Despite Amethyst holding him securely in her talons, Eret tried to get a grip on her leg as he frighteningly stared down at the frigid waters.

"What is this?!" He demanded. But his brave acted wasn't working on Revna. Anybody would be scared in his situation.

"A kidnapping," Revna replied matter-of-factly. Eret scoffed and was about to retaliate, but it died on his tongue as Ruffnut approached and began to grab at him hungrily. Eret did his best to ward her off, but it was difficult in his current situation.

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