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"Revna, please be careful," Eret shouted up to his girlfriend.

The said girl rolled her violet eyes but flushed slightly at his concern. "Oh, please. I'm always careful, Eret."

"Yeah, right," he mumbled to himself.

"Heard that!" Eret just rolled his eyes and smiled, knowing she was just playing along. Weeks had passed and reconstruction had been successful, but it took up a lot of time. Revna and Eret were currently rebuilding a family's house. Well, Revna was. Eret was watching from the ground since he had to hold the ladder. He knew Revna would be fine despite her love for crazy thrills. She was crazy, not dumb after all. In the past weeks, the pair made their relationship official, and they couldn't be happier. Revna made Eret want to be better, and Eret made Revna happier than she'd ever been. They were basically inseparable.

Revna just finished nailing the last plank into place. "Alright, this house is done," she called down, "Hold the ladder steady. I'm coming down."

"Yes, dear," Eret playfully replied. Revna chuckled and began her descent down the steps.

Once she was safely on the ground, she turned to Eret, a smirk playing on her features. "See? Easy! And you were worried."

"I was not! I was merely looking out for you," Eret defended. They smiled at each other before Eret rested his hands on Revna's hips and pulled her into him. Revna wound her hands up to his neck as their lips met in a short, sweet kiss. They pulled away and melted into each other's embrace.

"Hey, lovebirds!" The couple separated as Astrid and Hiccup walked up to them hand in hand. "You know it would be easier if you had Amethyst and Skullcrusher help, right?" Hiccup inquired.

"I know," Revna replied, "But Amethyst was playing with Cloudjumper last time I saw her, and I didn't wanna interrupt."

"And Skullcrusher is sleeping after the race this morning," Eret added as he wrapped his arm around Revna's shoulders.

"Besides, we had it handled," Revna said, smiling up at Eret with all the love in the world. Eret's face mirrored her own as he looked back at her.

Hiccup was happy that his cousin found happiness with Eret as he did with Astrid. "Well, okay then."

"Hey," Astrid chimed, "Why don't you guys take a break, spend some together? We can handle the renovations for a while. Besides we're nearly done."

The pair smile at the prospect. Eret was the first to speak. "That's not a half-bad idea. What do you say, love?"

"A break does sound nice. But only if you're sure, Astrid."

"Go. Have fun." Revna and Eret smiled. Taking each other's hands, they walked away, trying to figure out what they wanted to do with their new free time.

"Spar?" Eret suggested.

Revna chuckled. "Haven't you had enough?"

"Oh, come on, that's not fair," he argued, "I wasn't ready for you the first time we met. But I'm ready now."

An idea popped into Revna's head, and a bright smile spread across her lips. "I may have a better idea. There's a hot spring not far from the village. How 'bout it?"

"I think that's an excellent idea, love. It's better this way, wouldn't wanna hurt you if we sparred."

Revna scoffed. "Right back at ya."

With a genuine smile, Eret looked down at the confident beauty next to him before intertwining their fingers. Neither of them could believe how far they'd come in such a short amount of time, but they wouldn't trade it for the world. They walked hand-in-hand to the hot springs in comfortable silence, enjoying the bright day in each other's company. Sooner than expected, they arrived at the hot springs. Vapor swirled over the pools, providing a preview of the warmth of the water.

Slipping her hand from Eret's, Revna slowly peeled off her wool clothes, letting the cold air nip at her skin. "This is one of my favorite pass times. And no one really knows that the springs are here, making it perfect to have time to myself."

"I'm honored," Eret replied while taking off his own clothes, stopping at his undergarments. The couple couldn't help but take each other in. Revna's coverings left little to the imagination but hid just enough, showing off her toned legs and abdomen. Eret was left shirtless, revealing his incredibly toned chest and abs. They couldn't tear their eyes away from each other as Revna gently grasped Eret's large hand in hers. Walking backwards, she slowly brought Eret with her into the warm waters. The heat was a shock to both their bodies, having been so familiar with the frigid temperatures. Inch by inch, the couple sunk into the water until it reached their necks. The ends of Revna's high ponytail barely danced across the surface while Eret's low ponytail was entirely submerged.

Revna grazed her fingers over Eret's torso while his hands found themselves on her hips, pulling her into him. Their lips met, but it wasn't enough. Freeing his arms from the protection the warm water provided, Eret placed one hand behind her head and the other on her cheek, deepening the kiss. He didn't care that the cold air bit at his once warm skin, he needed to be closer to Revna. Their lips moved in sync, and Revna somehow maneuvered herself to straddle Eret's lap as his back met the edge of the pool. Her shoulders became exposed to the air. She shivered, unintentionally breaking the kiss. 

Their ragged breaths mingled and Revna whispered, "Sorry."

"Don't be," Eret replied. He stroked her shoulders and arms with the warm spring water, and her eyes fluttered closed as she relished the sensation. Subconsciously, she sunk further into the water, submerging her shoulders once more. This, in turn, caused her to sit more of her weight on Eret's legs, not that the water would allow him to feel much of a difference.

Eret couldn't peel his eyes away from her gorgeous features, not even for a moment. How could this beautiful, strong, independent woman who was so afraid to let people in choose him? How did he get so lucky? "I love you," he whispered.

Revna's violet eyes opened, meeting Eret's tender gaze. A smile spread on her lips, knowing he meant those words with all he had. Like Eret, she didn't know why he chose her. But she was so happy that he did. She was a warrior through and through, stubborn and bull-headed. She was never one to back down from a fight. Eret was the first person outside of her family to accept her for all she was. 

"I love you too."


Aaaaannnnnd... Done! 

I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!



Check out my other stories, if you're interested!

Thank you all!



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