Chapter Three

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"Are you okay, Amethyst?"

The purple Nadder shook her head and cooed as an answer to her rider's concern. Other than being a little shaken, she was okay. There were no visible injuries as far as Revna could tell. She'd have to give Amethyst a thorough check over once they got back.

As they flew closer and closer to home, Eret's threat rang in Revna's head on a continuous loop. "You will never hold onto those dragons, you hear me?! Drago is coming for them all!" Revna felt that she and her friends just bit off more than they could chew. As soon as word got out about their homeland, Berk was going to be attacked. Dragons and dragon riders alike were going to be in real peril. It felt like they were flying for ages, but Berk could finally be seen through the fog. Revna knew they had to hurry and warn her Uncle so a plan of action could be made to protect Berk and its inhabitants. Hiccup led Revna and Astrid near Gobber's smith shop so they could land safely. He descended off of Toothless' back swiftly in order to warn his father of the dire news. Revna and Astrid followed close behind.

"Haha! There he is, huh? The pride of Berk!" Stoick's enthusiasm didn't go unnoticed by his niece, but there were more pressing matters at hand right now. She just hoped he'd listen long enough for Hiccup to say his peace.

Despite Hiccup's rushed steps, Gobber just had to bust his young apprentice's chops. "Look who finally decided to show up for work, aye."

"Sorry, got held up," Hiccup reasoned before asking his Dad, "Hey, Dad, can I have a word?" Astrid did her best to listen in while the two men were moving deeper into the shop. Revna didn't bother, knowing her Uncle would be a challenge getting through to. She decided to check Amethyst over for any injuries.

As she examined her dragon, Revna could barely pick up the sound of her Uncle's voice. "Something you're itching to tell me?"

"Not exactly the itch you're thinking of, but yes," Hiccup replied hastily. That was the last thing Revna heard. Hiccup and her uncle were too deep in the shop and the rowdy gathering of customers made it difficult to hear. She vaguely picked up on Hiccup trying to tell his dad how important this discussion was, but Uncle Stoick was far too busy helping his people. When she was satisfied that there was no damage to her beloved dragon, Revna turned towards the smith shop and watched the show. There was nothing else to do. If Hiccup couldn't get through to his dad, she definitely wasn't going to be able to get through to her Uncle.

An excited villager gave Stoick his demands for a new saddle who was all too happy to oblige. Hiccup was working tirelessly to nab his father's undivided attention, but saddles and teaching Hiccup the ways of a chief were far more important. Revna joined Astrid at the entrance of the shop, hoping the conversation would change in their favor.

"Grump! You let the forge die out again!" Gobber's sudden loud voice made Revna jump slightly, making Astrid chuckle at her friend's expense. Revna nudged her blonde friend while Grump, Gobber's lazy, sleepy dragon, woke up long enough to restore the fire. Only he put too much force behind it and caused a fire to break out into the shop, making Hiccup scream.

Gobber extinguished the fire with the state-of-the-art water system and groaned, "That's it, Grump. You're going up for adoption!" Revna rolled her eyes and scoffed, knowing for a fact that Gobber would never let such a thing happen. Grump may be lazy, but Gobber has never loved anything more.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was still fighting for his father's undivided attention. "But, seriously, I really need to tell you about this new land we came across," Hiccup pleaded. But while Stoick didn't listen, Gobber became intrigued.

"Another one?!"

Fishlegs appeared and asked, "Any new dragons?"

"We didn't stick around to find out. These folks weren't particularly friendly," Hiccup replied, making Revna cringe at the recent memory.

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