Chapter Four

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"Snotlout, get Hiccup out of there! Ruff, Tuff, stop that ship from going anywhere!" Skullcrusher tracked Hiccup and Astrid to a ship, Eret's ship no doubt. That was definitely the kind of bone-headed move everyone would expect from the young dragon rider. Snotlout and the twins got to work, carrying out Revna's orders. Hookfang snatched Hiccup from the ship and carried him away while Barf and Belch tore through the sails. Revna heard Toothless roar in protest as he climbed up the mast before realizing his rider wasn't in any real danger.

"Dragon riders!" Revna knew that voice from anywhere. Eret scurried across the deck towards one of the net launchers as did his crew. Nets began to fly here and there, and every rider worked hard to evade the onslaught.

"Put me down! Snotlout! What are you doing?" Hiccup cried.

Snotlout ignored him and turned to Ruffnut before flirtatiously saying, "See how well I protect and provide?" Ruffnut groaned in disgust as they all continued to evade the nets.

A net came close to hitting Ruffnut, but luckily she dodged it. "Hey! Watch it! That was close...."

Ruffnut trailed off into some kind of mumbling tangent and Revna's eyes widened from where she hovered as Ruff spread out her arms, as if she wanted to be captured. Her wish was granted because no sooner, a net encased her and Barf, sending them into a tailspin.

"Ruffnut!" Revna was beyond miffed. Taking her ball and chain off Amethyst's saddle, Revna swung the ball around for momentum as she steered Amethyst closer to Eret's net launcher. Once she was in range, Revna let the ball fly into the launcher, causing Eret to stumble away from the sudden impact. Keeping her momentum, she launched herself into the air, flipping forward, and landed gracefully on the deck, only to perform a backward roundhouse kick. The kick hit Eret on the side of the head, effectively knocking him to the ground. Dazed, he struggled to recover, but Revna stood ready when he did.

"That's for my dragon," she declared confidently. At some point during the raid, Hiccup managed to escape from Hookfang and returned to the deck of the ship.

Still taken aback at his friend's sudden entrance, he exclaimed, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to rescue you," Gobber answered as he hovered Grump over the side of the ship. Eret mostly recovered from Revna's attack, but there was still a hazy look in his eye as he staggered away from the ship's edge. Revna watched him closely on the defensive with her sword drawn, knowing that if she tried to fight him, it wouldn't end in her favor. She knew the only way to beat him was to use his own momentum and weight against him. His build exceeded her own by three average-sized men.

"I don't need to be rescued," Hiccup argued exasperated.

"Enough!" Stoick's boisterous, commanding, and annoyed tone pulled everyone's attention to where he landed Skullcrusher on a sail mast. Stoick jumped down with a loud thud that swayed the boat slightly.

As Stoick stormed towards his defiant son, Eret tried to regain some dignity, "Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh? I am Eret, Son of-"

Stoick's large hand covered Eret's face, cutting off his futile speech as he shoved the trapper away. Eret staggered towards Revna who still had her sword at the ready, but Gobber acted before she could. He hit Eret on the top of his head with the butt of an ax, making the trapper drop to the deck. When he tried to get up, Grump landed on top of him and fell asleep, pinning Eret to the deck.

At the added uncomfortable weight on his back, Eret breathlessly whined, "Get... this... thing... off... me!" While Gobber asked if anyone else wanted to join their leader, Revna turned her violet eyes on Eret.

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