Prologue: The new secretary

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"Today is the day?" Blaine Anderson asked, as he sat down beside his friend and coworker Mercedes Jones as the two of them met for their usual lunch break.

"Yes." Mercedes nodded, smiling at Blaine and taking a sip of her coffee. "Today is the day. I mean, haven't you noticed? Mr. Schue hadn't left his office since ten o'clock today."

"And do you think they're in there?" Blaine asked, as Mercedes made a face at the way he spoke through a mouth full of cronuts.

"They must be." Mercedes shrugged. "I mean... I don't know what they'd be talking about for almost two hours now, but it must be bad."

"Maybe Mr. Schue is just trying to make sure the new employee knows what they're doing." Blaine shrugged.

"And since when does Mr. Schue cares for anything or anyone that not Berry and Husdon?" Mercedes scoffed. "I heard this new employee and Mr. Schue have a past. I don't know what it is, but Kitty told me it seems deep."

"If they have a past like this, why would Mr. Schue even hire them, anyway?"

"They must be good at their job." Mercedes shrugged.

"Maybe they're blackmailing Mr. Schue." Blaine said, widening his eyes as he leaned over closer to Mercedes and smiled excitedly over her newest conspiracy theory. "Or maybe they bought the whole company."

"New Directions is literally the biggest music agency in the state of New York, Blaine, don't be stupid." Mercedes rolled her eyes as Blaine shrugged, shoving another one of his cronuts in his mouth. "The new employee would literally have to be a fucking billionaire to buy the whole thing. And, oh my God... Don't you ever stop eating those?"

"They're addictive!" Blaine defended himself, offering the last one of his cronuts to Mercedes. "Try one."

"No." Mercedes rolled her eyes with a laugh. "I don't like those."

"You haven't even tried it yet." Blaine laughed along, practically shoving the cronut in Mercedes' face as she pushed his hand back. "Try it and I promise you'll understand how addictive they are."

"They really are addictive."

At the sound of the new voice, both Mercedes and Blaine looked up, just in time to see no one other than Sam Evans sitting down on the table with them, snatching the cronut from Blaine's hand and shoving it whole in his mouth instead.

"So..." Sam said, after swallowing his cronut - which Mercedes deeply appreciated. "What were you two gossiping about this time?"

Mercedes laughed then, exchanging a look with Blaine as the man smiled as well. After all, it was true. The three of them had been friends for a while now. They had met when they were all still in an internship program for the company and the three of them had instantly gotten along. Thankfully, they had all - along with two others that they didn't really talk to - gotten a job in the New Directions Music Agency and, since then, the three of them had been rather inseparable. Sure, Blaine and Mercedes hadn't managed to make such a name in the company as Sam had - he had quickly become Will Schuester's most trusted man inside and was constantly seen talking and discussing important matters with the big boss, but the big-lipped, green-eyed, blonde hottie had his southern origins rooted deeply inside of him and never once had he let his high position get to his head, choosing to, instead, keep hanging out with his two best friends over the big names that he got to know working closely to Mr. Schuester. Even if he didn't enjoy engaging in gossip like Mercedes and Blaine did.

"The new employee." Blaine explained, taking another sip of his soda.

"What about her?" Sam asked, as Blaine and Mercedes exchanged a glance before turning to look at Sam instead, leaning over the table toward him.

"Her?" Mercedes widened her eyes as Sam sighed, opening a small smile, bracing himself for the questions that he knew were coming. "The new employee is a she?"

"Yes." Sam nodded.

"And did you see her?" Blaine asked.

"A quick glance." Sam shrugged. "Mr. Schue was drilling the poor girl."

"Why?" Mercedes asked.

"I don't know." Sam said. "But he called me in to introduce me to her. She'll be working on our floor with Kitty."

"She's a new secretary?" Blaine asked.

"Yes." Sam nodded. "Mr. Schue hired her last week, but I don't know why he was drilling her in his office."

"For two hours." Blaine said, as Sam frowned.

"Two hours?" Sam asked, as Blaine and Mercedes nodded. "They've been in that office for two hours?"

"Yes." Mercedes nodded.


"That's what we were trying to figure out." Blaine said. "Do you know anything else about her? Age? Name?"

"I got her name." Sam nodded, frowning a bit as he tried to remember. "Hum... Amelia. I think."

"Amelia." Mercedes tried out the name, trying to connect any dots that might be in front of her without her seeing. "Doesn't ring a bell. Maybe a surname?"

"Yeah, it's hum... Sa... Sim..." Again, Sam frowned.

Maybe he needed to get his memory test. He was literally just introduced to the red-headed girl. Her name... Amelia... Amelia...

"Sylvester." He snapped his fingers, proud of himself for remembering as Mercedes and Blaine exchanged another look, not getting anything really from that information. "The new secretary is called Amelia Sylvester."

A/N: Okay, so, here it is! The prologue for this story that I was super excited to share with you. Now, I won't be updating it daily, and I'm not sure I'll have a scheduele for it. The updates will be a bit slow, but they'll come, don't worry hahah. Anyway... I hope you've enjoyed that little introduction and I hope you don't mind my ugly ass cover. I just really don't know how to do them properly. Anyway, let me know your thoughts and theories for this new story!

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