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When AJ asked Sam if he was taking her to a club the night before, she didn't think he actually would. I mean, sure, he had taken her to a fancy restaurant beforehand, but as soon as he parked his car in front of a dance club later that night, she gasped.

"Are you serious?" She asked him when he walked around the car to open her door for her.

"Yes." He smiled, offering her his hand as AJ smiled, grabbing it and allowing Sam to help her climb out of his car. "Come on, it'll be fun, I promise."

"A nightclub..." AJ said, as she allowed Sam to pull her toward the entrance of the club. "I didn't think you'd be the one to enjoy these types of things."

"Why?" Sam asked. "Do I look that boring?"

"No." She shrugged. "You just seemed more like the stay at home and chill out type of dude."

"Usually I am, not gonna lie. And I don't actually like big crowds." Sam explained. "But as I said yesterday, I met the owner of this club in particular and we hit it off."

"Still doesn't explain why you're taking me here." AJ said. "I thought you said you wanted to show me a different side of yourself. Why would you do that in a place you don't like?"

"You'll see." Sam winked at her as AJ rolled her eyes with a smile. "Just trust me, will you? And give me your hand."

Sam reached for AJ's hand then, lacing their fingers together as he walked straight past the line of people trying to get in to stand in front of one of the bodyguards at the entrance.

"What's up, Karofsky, how's everything?" Sam greeted the man, squeezing AJ's hand in his for a second as the woman frowned a bit, suddenly noticing his stiff posture. "Need to come in, can I?"

"And the girl?" The Karofsky guy asked, nodding unamused at AJ.

"She's with me." Sam said then, pulling AJ closer to him as he wrapped an arm around her waist. His smile was still ever present in his face, but AJ could tell he was uncomfortable. Actually, it was more than that. He was acting protectively, almost territorial. But considering AJ could feel nothing but bad vibes from the Karofsky guy, she didn't complain much. "Come on, man... We don't need to go through this every time."

"Fine." Karofsky gave in then, stepping aside to let Sam and AJ in. "Go on."

And so, they did, walking past him and into the club. As soon as they were out of sight from the man, AJ stepped away from Sam just enough so that his arm wasn't around her waist anymore, but keeping herself close to him as he latched to one of his arms.

"So, hum... VIP treatment in here?" She asked him, clearly trying to distract him from all the tension the Karofsky guy gave him.

Sam smiled then, looking down at AJ with yet another wink before pushing open a door and laughing when AJ gasped in delight.

"I had a feeling you'd like it." He said, leaning down to talk to her now that the music was blasting all around them.

"Like it?" AJ squealed, looking around the club and smiling when she saw everyone dancing and having fun under the colored lights coming from the ceiling. "I love it! This place is amazing! Oh, it's been so long since I've been in a club."

"Really?" Sam frowned then, surprised by the statement, considering he could practically see the excitement oozing off of AJ as she watched everyone on the dance floor. "Why?"

"My mom and I were going through a rough time for a while, before I landed the job in the New Directions." AJ shrugged, standing in her tiptoes so she could talk to Sam without yelling. "It wasn't too bad, but we had to cut some luxuries and clubbing happened to be one of them in my case. Those things are expensive when you're not VIP, but I don't think you would know that, would you?"

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