Epilogue: Dreams come true

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Eight months later...

"Happy birthday, dear mommy, happy birthday to you..."

AJ smiled, moving to sit down against the headboard of her bed after being woken up by Sam singing happy birthday to her while Spencer stood beside AJ, leaning against the headboard too as he bounced a bit in his legs like it usually happened whenever Sam sang anything around the house.

"Happy birthday, babe." Sam smiled then, pressing a kiss to her lips as he placed a tray of breakfast over her lap gently.

"Thank you, baby." AJ smiled back at him, before reaching out to Spencer to pull her into her arms as he squealed. "And thank you, little man."

"He did all the breakfast by himself." Sam joked, smiling fondly as he watched AJ cuddling Spencer as they giggled together.

"Oh, he did?" She asked, placing Spencer down beside her on the bed as she turned to look at Sam, who was sitting on her other side. "And what did you do, then?"

"Well, I'm very glad you asked, actually." Sam smirked.

Reaching for his bedside table, Sam pulled out a small envelope from his drawer and when he looked down at it for a second, he knew he had made the right decision. After all, while AJ had been in the hospital, Schuester had decided to fire Sam claiming he didn't have his priorities straight anymore. Sam panicked for a while, wondering how he could take care now of his baby and his girlfriend who was still supposed to be in bed rest for, at least, another three weeks.

Fortunately for them, they had their friends and, after enduring Schuester injustices with them all for AJ's sake while she was pregnant, as soon as Schuester had come for Sam, they all decided it was enough. So Blaine, Mercedes and Kitty decided to quit their jobs as well as join Sam in a small little music production company that he decided to start for himself, while signing up Santana and Mercedes as their first ever singers.

For a month or two, their struggled a bit but, Kurt, Quinn and AJ had helped them out as much as they could. Thankfully, however, no one other than Sugar Motta herself had heard from her dad that the New Directions were going down without four of its best employees who had started a new company by themselves. And, as soon as she heard Sam Evans was involved, she had told Rory. Now, Rory, with all his money, decided to invest on Sam's little company which sky rocketed it to be, in less than six months, the best music production company in America.

Now, Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez were the big stars they had always deserved to be and Blaine and Sam could sign up more and more talented people to help them out reach their dreams. Not only that, with the money he made, Sam could easily provide for Spencer and AJ who had decided to be a stay-at-home mom. Sam could provide for the two loves of his life, a life he wished he had had as a kid and, if owning his own company wasn't the realization of a dream, then that definitely was.

So, since AJ had helped him accomplish so much since coming into his life almost two years before, it was only fair he would help her realize her dream, right?

Which was exactly what he was going to do.

"What's this?" AJ asked, smiling a bit, as she turned to look at Spencer when he fell back on the bed with a giggle, still not strong enough to hold himself up for too long.

"Your birthday present." Sam said, giving AJ the envelope before reaching out over her to grab Spencer and place him in his lap as the boy babbled away, contently. "Come on, open it."

And so, AJ did. And as soon as she read the contract inside, she gasped.

"Sam..." She mumbled, her eyes already filling with tears as Sam smiled. "This... This... I..."

"It's the contract for the ballet course in the New York Dance Academy you've wanted to take since last year." He said, as AJ let out a surprised giggle though her tears. "It's meant to start next fall. And you're going. I don't even want to hear you whine about this."

"Sam, baby..." AJ whispered, taking the tray of food off her lap as she turned around to look at Sam properly, sitting back on her knees as she leaned forward to capture Sam's lips in a kiss. "Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too." Sam smiled, rather proud of himself for the gift he had decided to give his girlfriend and for the family the two of them had managed to create. "You make my dreams come true."

And with that, AJ giggled again, pulling Sam in for another kiss as he responded quickly, pulling back from her when Spencer whined, causing AJ to wipe her tears away as she grabbed her baby from Sam's arm and showed him her birthday gift, proudly. As Sam watched them both, he smiled, knowing he meant every word when he said she made his dreams come true and hoping she'd make another one as well when he got down to one knee in front of her next Christmas.

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