Special: Christmas gift

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A/N: Not me posting a surprise chapter just because hahaha. Anyway, at the end of the Epilogue, I mentioned Sam wanting to propose and some of you said you'd want to see it, so, me being me, I couldn't resist it lol. Anyway, enjoy it!

"Don't let him go into the kitchen!" AJ yelled from the living room, smiling a bit when she heard Spencer's giggles.

"Don't worry, AJ." Quinn called back from the dining room where she had been chasing Spencer around. "I got it under control."

At that, AJ relaxed a bit, turning back around to her conversation with Kitty and Santana as the whole group reunited for their Christmas dinner.

"Spencer is clearly developing alright." Kitty commented, as AJ smiled.

"Yeah." She nodded. "He's a tough one."

"And a very energetic one." Santana laughed as the three women watched Spencer running around the house in fits of giggles. "I mean, he's how old now?"

"A year and three months." AJ said, turning around when a little thud was heard as looking over the sofa to where Spencer had just stumbled.

The little boy pouted then, but before he could even start crying and before Quinn could even reach over to comfort him, Sam appeared from the kitchen where he had been helping Kurt and Blaine with the dinner and pulled Spencer up into his arms.

"You okay, there, little buddy?" He cooed gently as Spencer sniffled and cried quietly. AJ watched them both with soft eyes and a small smile, chuckling a bit when Spencer grabbed Sam's shirt in his little fist and laid his head against his chest as he cried his little crocodile tears. "Oh, you're alright, now, Spence. Daddy's got you. Come on, let's take a look in those knees of yours, huh?"

"Sam, he's fine." AJ said, with an amused smile as Sam just cuddled his son closer to his chest. "It was just a stumble. Right, baby?"

At being addressed by his mom, Spencer lifted his head from Sam's shoulder, turning to face AJ instead as he smiled and giggled, reaching his hands out to her as she smiled and sent him a few kisses. Sam smiled at the exchange, but fixed Spencer in his arms as he sat him in his hips.

"I'm just gonna make sure." Sam said, as AJ nodded.

So letting Sam walk away with Spencer, AJ turned back to Santana and Kitty, falling back into easy conversation with the two of them.

"And how's your course going?" Santana asked then, smiling a bit when AJ's eyes lit up. "It started in September, right?"

"Yeah, it did." She nodded, smiling dreamily. "It's so great... It's everything I've dreamed about and I'm learning so much..."

As she talked, Kitty and Santana nodded a few times, letting her ramble, but looking a few times over her shoulders to see how well their little plan was going. When Mercedes sent them two thumbs up, however, they knew they were good to go.

"And... And I'm rambling, sorry, I just..."

"No, no, no..." Kitty shook her head quickly how AJ blushed a bit out of the sudden. "We're all very glad you're following your dreams and it's awesome that you're happy. You really deserve it."

"You really do." Santana agreed. "But, hey, I've been meaning to ask you..."

Before Santana could finish her sentence, however, AJ looked over to the side when there was a small tap on her knee. She smiled, as soon as she saw Spencer standing there.

"Hi, baby." She whispered at him, before frowning a bit when she noticed a small wrapped up box in his hand. "What's that, huh?"

"Momma." Spencer smiled back at her as AJ giggled.

"Oh, is that for me?" She asked then, pulling Spencer up on her lap as she grabbed the box from the boy. "And what's is this, huh? What did your daddy put you up to, huh?"

And as AJ focused on opening the present she had just been given Santana and Kitty discreetly stood up from their places as they walked over to their partners who were waiting for them behind the coich along with everyone else — Quinn, Mercedes, Kurt, Blaine, Mike, Tina, Santana, Brittany, Artie and Kitty... They were all there, watching in silence as the scene in front of them unfolded and trying not to cry too much when AJ finally opened her gift, only to gasp when she saw the rings in there.

"Oh, my God." She whispered, pulling Spencer into her arms as she stood up. Before she could even do anything else, however, she noticed Sam knelt down beside her. "Oh, Sam..."

"Shh, babe... Let me talk first." He smiled, his own eyes watering a bit when he noticed the tears in her eyes as she held a very giggly Spencer in her arms. Sam reached for the rings in her hand then, pulling the box from her as he turned it to face her again. "You gave me everything, AJ. And you keep giving me everything. And I'm not just talking about Spencer, even if he is the most important part of my life. You... You've supported me and helped me when I was realizing my dream of having my own company — a dream I didn't even know I had until you pointed it out, by the way. You've shown me love and you've shown me what it is to be truly happy. You mean everything to me, AJ, and that feeling you give me, I don't ever want to lose. So really, what I'm saying here is... You made all my dreams come true, AJ. Everything I've ever wanted I've gotten with you. Except for one thing. So... Amelia Jean... Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

At that, AJ chuckled, wiping her tears away and turning to give Spencer a quick kiss to his head when he reached a hand over to her cheeks as well. She then turned to look at her friends — her little family —, all watching the two of them expectantly, with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. Smiling at them, AJ turned to look at Sam, feeling her heart fill itself with nothing but love and adoration for the man in front of him before nodding.

"Yes." She said, causing everyone to cheer as Sam stood up and wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her in for a kiss that got quickly interrupted by a giggle from Spencer. At that, the two parents turned to look at him and chuckled, wiping each other's tears away when AJ pulled Sam in for another kiss as everyone cheered louder. "Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes."

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