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"I still don't think I should've come..." AJ mumbled, nervously from the passenger seat of Kitty's car as the two of them carpooled to Mercedes' apartment that Friday night.

"What are you on about?" Kitty asked then, keeping her eyes on the road, but frowning a bit at her friend's words.

"I just... God, Kitty, I barely even know you guys and I'm going to one of your potluck parties?"

"AJ, you've been working with us for weeks now. You'll be fine." Kitty assured. "It's just us from work. And our partners. And Santana and Brittany who just tag along even though no one's really sure why still."

"That didn't help at all." AJ moaned causing Kitty to giggle at her dramatics.

"Look, everyone is really nice, I promise." She said, taking a moment to look over at AJ to try and convince her she really did mean what she was saying. "Besides, I've heard you make some mean brownies that I'm dying to try. Did you bring them?"

"Yes, I did." AJ chuckled, pointing at the tray of brownies in the backseat that she had baked just a few hours before so they would be fresh when they got to the dinner.

Truth is, AJ was nervous. Like, really, really nervous. After all, Kitty was right: she had been working at New Directions for almost four weeks now and she had had the time to get to know Blaine, Mercedes, Kitty and Sam rather well now, but all in a professional setting. Sure, she was already calling everyone by their first name — after a good two weeks of constant correcting from their part — and sure, she enjoyed their company and had made small talk with them all before, but a dinner? At Mercedes' house? With everyone and partners? Without all the safenets of a professional environment? AJ didn't think she could actually do it. Cause what would happen if they didn't like her? That is, they knew professional, secretary AJ, but real, no-filter AJ? That was a whole other story.

"Amelia." Kitty called, using her first name to grab her attention, fully knowing how much she hated it. "Stop worrying."

"I can't."

"Well, you have to." Kitty shrugged, parking the car in front of a complex of apartments. "Because we're here."

And, at those words, AJ felt her stomach turn.

"No." She decided, as Kitty got out of the car. "No, no, no. I won't do it."

"Shut up, AJ." The blonde said, grabbing her own contribution to their dinner — she was in charge of the salad this time around — before walking over to the passenger's side and pulling the door open with her free hand. "Come on, girl. Suck it up and let's go."

"No." AJ shook her head then. "You can take the brownies if you want. I'll just take an uber home."

"No, you won't." Kitty rolled her eyes. "Grab your brownies and let's go. I'm sure everyone's already waiting."

"Who even is everyone?"

"Well, if you take your sweet ass out of that seat and up to Mercedes' apartment, you'll figure it out." Kitty laughed. "Now get the hell out of my car, AJ, or I swear to God I'll leave you here by yourself."


"Kitty!" A beautiful blonde woman smiled as soon as she opened the door for the two of them. "Come on in! Oh, you look so good in green!"

"Thanks, Q." Kitty smiled, pulling the woman for a one armed hug before letting herself in. "Oh, that's AJ, I'm sure you heard of her?"

"The new secretary!" The woman turned to AJ next, smiling at her just as brightly as she had smiled at Kitty. "Of course I did, Mercedes told me lots about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Quinn. I'm Mercedes' girlfriend."

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