Call me Sam

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A/N: not me posting three days in a row after saying I wouldn't be posting daily lol... Anyway, enjoy this one and let me know your thoughts. But then, again, I'm not sure I'll be able to post daily. We'll how it goes.

AJ was sure that if Kitty didn't stop running around soon, she'd end up losing her mind. Ms. Jones had been keeping her busy that day, however, asking the poor woman to check on names and telephones and grab files and more files for her. AJ had offered to help her out a bit, but Kitty had told her that, as long as she kept the front desk on check, she'd be okay. So that was what she did. During most of the morning, AJ just kept working at the front desk, answering calls, setting up appointments, taking notes... It wasn't until it was already around 11 a.m. that Kitty finally caught a breather and sat down on her chair beside AJ's, with a huff.

"See, I love Mercedes, but sometimes she can get in these moods and then suddenly everything needs to be done by yesterday." Kitty said, taking a sip of her water.

"Well, is it over?" AJ asked, her eyes still glued to the computer in front of her as she worked.

"For now." Kitty shrugged. "We'll see how long it goes."

AJ chuckled then, but, as soon as the door to Mr. Evans' office opened and he came out, walking toward them, they knew their little break was over.

"I kind of need help organizing some of my files." The man smiled at the both as they exchanged a glance. "Any of you up for it?"

"I've been working with Mercedes all morning and she might need me again." Kitty smirked. "AJ can help you."

Scoffing quietly at the look Kitty was sending her, AJ rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Sure. I can help." She said, standing up and fixing her jacket a bit. "Excuse me, Kitty."


AJ chuckled at the way Kitty waved her hand at her dismissively, but walked around the front desk and followed Mr. Evans toward his office. She smiled a bit when the man made a point of pushing open the door for her, but allowing her to walk in first and AJ was grateful for it because, if they were to go by how neat and clean Mr. Evans' office looked, AJ wasn't even sure anymore if she was even allowed in that place.

"Don't worry about anything, just... Take a seat." Mr. Evans offered, pointing her to a very fancy looking settee.

"Is this actual leather?" AJ asked, as she ran her fingers over the material and set her green eye on Mr. Evans as he walked around the office toward his desk.

"Nah, it's fake." He shrugged, pulling open a drawer before pulling out a heavy file out of there. "Pretty much everything in here is fake. I just like to look fancy, but I'm not really."

"Oh, really?" AJ raised an eyebrow at him, sitting down on the settee as Mr. Evans laughed.

"You don't believe me?" He asked, as she shook her head.

"You have a mini-fridge in your office." She pointed out, nodding her head at the mini-fridge that stayed just beside the man's desk. "Anyone who has a mini-fridge is fancy to me."

"Well, sometimes you just have to look the part to convince certain clients."

"Hum..." AJ hummed quietly with a smile. "I still think you're fancy."

"Well, maybe you should see my house then." He teased her a bit, before realizing how his words could be interpreted and sighing a bit as he looked away from the woman. "I just meant... I meant so you could see it. The house. So you could... See my... House. I just meant..."

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