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A/N: Not entirely sure how I feel about this one, but it's kinda sweet, so... Let me know! Also, yes... I didn't put the baby's name in the chapter because it's gonna be a surprise. Any guesses, though?

"Sure you don't need any help there, baby?"

AJ watched in silence, with a smile on her lips, sitting in the nursing chair they had bought a few days before as Sam sat on the floor, with about twenty pieces of wood to try and put together the crib.

"No." Sam furrowed his eyebrows, not even looking up at AJ as he kept his eyes on the instructions in his hands. "I got it. You... You stay right there where you are, folding the clothes we've gotten from our friends."

"Baby, I can help, you know?"

"No." Sam repeated, as AJ sighed. "You're almost eight months along now."

"Doesn't mean I can't help you put together a damn crib."

"You need to rest."

"I am well-rested." AJ argued. "You barely let me move from our bed to the couch by myself!"

"And I won't. I want you to be comfortable."

"Tie me down to the floor." AJ rolled her eyes then. "It'd be easier."

Sam finally lifted his eyes up from the instructions book in his hands when he heard movement coming from where AJ was supposed to be sitting in. Dropping everything to the floor then, Sam rushed over to AJ then, gently forcing her back down on the chair and smiling a bit at the pout that formed on her lips.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, as she groaned.

"I want a glass of water."

"I'll go get it for you."

"No!" AJ complained, gripping Sam's arm to stop him from walking away from her. "I want to do it. Please. I need to."

"But you don't. You don't need to."

"I want to, Sam. Stop being so overbearing."

"I'm not being overbearing. I just don't want you to do more than what you need."

"I can get myself a glass of water, though." AJ sighed gently, running a hand over Sam's hair, knowing he meant well but trying with everything she had not to blow up on him with her hormones all over the place in those last few weeks of pregnancy. "It'll be five minutes. I'll be just in the kitchen. You can literally see me from here."

Sam sighed then, sending AJ one last look in a desperate attempt of letting her do everything for her, but knowing he had lost that battle when she raised an eyebrow at him. Stepping back from her, then, Sam helped AJ to stand up and let go of her, watching with a very amused smile as she wobbled a bit out of the room.

"It would've been a lot faster if you've let me do this for you." Sam called out to her, gasping in mock offense as AJ rolled her eyes and gave him the finger. "Is that the type of manners you want to teach our son?"

"He's not seeing anything yet." AJ argued back from the kitchen as she poured herself a glass of water. "I need to get it out of my system while I still can't. I mean... I can't even curse anymore."

"Every pregnancy book I've read says babies hear what's happening outside their mothers womb, you know?"

"I know that." AJ laughed. "That doesn't mean they understand it."

"Well, I don't want none of that foul language or gestures around my boy."

"Fine. I'm sorry." AJ rolled her eyes then, as she moved back toward the nursery — that used to be Sam's office but that he had insisted in turning into the baby's bedroom — and leaning against the door as she took a look around with her glass of water in hands. "Does that make you feel better?"

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