Happiness - Part 1

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With the sun at its highest point in the sky, the capital city was buzzing with life. While the married women accompanied by their children walked around in the market to buy the fresh products to concoct a delicious meal for their family, the men worked in their workshop to produce handmade items for their customers. On the outside, this city looked like any other with the exception that most of the beings living here had thick horns, similar to those of a ram, of different lengths and colours. Their eyes also had an unusual colour. Each person had red eyes, but with a different hue.

Among the horned human-looking creatures, a minority possessed animal features. For example, a party of five was resting at an inn not too far away from the market. They too had human characteristics, except for some part of their body. But no matter how unusual they look in this sea of horned people, it wasn't as rare as a normal human being. Unlike all the other species, the human race avoided travelling in cities or even entering a country inhabited with demi-humans.

Suddenly, a fancy carriage bearing the crest of the royal family appeared near the busy market, creating a crowd to surround the area. It was not every day the commoners could observe such an occurrence without being surrounded by a sea of guards.

One of them opened the door of the carriage and a beautiful man that looks in his thirties stepped out of it. Unlike all the other horned people, his stature was taller and a more powerful aura emanated out of him in waves. His long and thick horns were a dark chocolate colour and his eyes resembled the most precious rubies. It would put anyone who stood next to him to shame. The women that could glimpse their King could only sigh in awe while hoping that their husband could somehow equal his beauty.

Soon, another person emerged from the carriage. Taking the extended hand offered to him, he elegantly stepped out of the vehicle. He wasn't as tall or as intimidating, but the gentle yet shy smile would win anyone's heart. His facial features were delicate, almost like an angel. His lighter brown horns matched the colour of his hair as his eyes were red, but with a pinker shade to it. Once he smiled brightly at the intimidating giant standing next to him, it was as if the world stopped breathing. The contrast between the two men was simply breathtaking. The Beauty and the Beast, a couple made for each other.

Oblivious to the world that was observing them, they walked into a fancy jewelry store followed by their servants as the guards ensured a secure perimeter around them. Once inside, the royal couple met the shop owner and his employees politely bowing at them.

"Welcome Your Highnesses to The Graceful Malachite," the shop owner, an elder man, welcomed them.

From a flick of his fingers, the maids helped the couple out of their coats. "Did you prepare what I asked?" the King asked as he led Malak further inside.

"Yes, of course," the owner smiled. "If you would follow me."

Following the older man, they headed toward the back of the boutique where all the most expensive and precious items were securely stored.

"All these jewels were collected and reunited here for you, Your Highness," the owner smiled at Malak. "They are all the rarest and exquisite ones that you can find in our country!" he added proudly before showing them one by one.

"Is there anything that suits your taste?" the man with ruby red eyes asked his husband.

"They are all magnificent, but..." Malak eyed the shop owner before whispering in his lover's ear. "Aren't they all too extravagant and... Expensive for horn ornaments?"

The King smiled briefly before tucking a strand of golden-brown hair behind his ear. "For you, nothing is out of price. Also, we can be a little fancy. It is our wedding after all."

The tip of Malak's ear became pink before giving in. "You're right. I'll choose the one I like the most."

"Everything you like."


Malak woke up at the sound of his alarm. He groaned and turned around while blindly search for his phone. Only once that he had closed it, that he opened his eyes. He blankly stared at the white ceiling as sleepiness slowly dissipated. After remembering his dream, he blushed and rolled around in bed. He had been having similar weird dreams about that fantasy world while always being married to a horned King. However, no matter how hard Malak tried, he couldn't remember that man's face. In his dreams, he could clearly see him, but once he is awake, it got all blurry. Only one thing remained. The clear and piercing feeling of affection for the King.

After lazying around in bed for an amount of time, he finally looked at the time on his phone. Startled, he jumped out of his bed and hurried to the bathroom to go through his morning routine. Cleaned up, he walked down the stairs where his family where already eating lunch.

"Tired?" Frank, Malak's dad, asked after he sat down next to him.

The son nodded. "I slept too late."

"It's good to study, but don't forget you need to take care of your health too," Lilly, Malak's mother, added as she placed his plate of food in front of him before caressing the back of his head. "Here, eat your fill. There's plenty left."

Sitting next to her husband, they all ate as the table was fully complete. Everyone took a few bites of their food before conversations blossomed around the table.

"I hope you have not been messing around with those questionable books of yours," the twin's dad eyed Lesley.

The girl smiled before quickly answering. "Of course, I have! You don't need to worry."

"Whether or not I need to worry, we will see at the end of the semester," he replied before taking a sip of water to wash down the food in his mouth.

"It's true. I'm not lying..." Lesley pouted.

After lunch, they all helped to tidy up the table. Once all their chores were done, Malak hurried to his room and changed into something more fashionable. He was glad that he picked up the outfit last night. After checking himself in the mirror for the nth time to make sure everything was perfect, he grabbed his keys, phone and wallet.

Walking down the stairs, Malak noticed the rest of his family sitting in the living room. While his parents were watching the television, Lesley was reading a book. She was the first one to notice him.

"You're going out?" she said, surprised while observing his choice of clothes.

"Yes," he shortly answered as his parents turned around.

"Where are you going?" Lesley asked as she put down her book in her lap.

"To the cinema with my friends," Malak smiled, hoping they wouldn't see through his lie.

"Kayla and Enrico?" she raised an eyebrow as he nodded.

"Stop interrogating him. I should be the one doing it!" their mother added while staring at her daughter.

"Sorry," Lesley sheepishly smiled.

"Will you be back for dinner?"

Malak shook his head. "No, we are going out to eat after the movie. So don't wait for me!" he waved before going to put his shoes on.

"Have fun and don't come back too late!" Malak heard his dad shout from the living room.

Once Malak left the house, it was silent once again except for the television. Lesley opened her book and tried to read it, but something was preventing her to do so. Therefore, she sat up and left the book in the chair before going up to her room. Inside, she grabbed her phone and called Kayla. 

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