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Days flew by and every day went by in the same routine where Malak studied and studied some more before taking an exam the next day. If it wasn't for his agenda, he would have lost the notion of time. As much as he wanted to meet with Kian and have a day off, Malak couldn't. He spent all his time in his studies.

Strangely, his newfound memories didn't bother him much. However, it was how he remembered them that was difficult to deal with. Every day, additional details and scenes flashed in front of his eyes. It could happen any time of the day. There was no warning and when it happened, Malak would disconnect from reality. To outsiders, it would seem like he was staring in the void or sleeping with his eyes open. Fortunately, it didn't happen when he was crossing the road or in any dangerous situations. It only brought him a lot of trouble while he was at work or in class.

While he already applied to multiple universities, his conviction wavered. Ever since he recovered his memories, he knew he couldn't stay here forever. He will eventually have to say goodbye to everyone he knew and loved. But until that day came, Malak planned to enjoy the normal life of a human teenager.

Suddenly, Malak heard a knock on his door. "Come in!"

The door opened and Lesley walked into her brother's room. "I need help on maths," she said as she closed the distance between them. "This question," she pointed after placing her book on Malak's desk.

"Yeah, it's a hard one," he mumbled before going through the exercises he already completed. "Let me see your answer."

"Here," Lesley showed him her notebook with almost a page worth of equations.

Malak scanned through it before smiling. "You only forgot to transcribe the minus before this x here," he pointed, as Lesley sighed before cursing.

"How did I not see it!" she exclaimed before grabbing her stuff.

"You're welcome."

"Thank you!" she added with a smile before leaving Malak's room.

"You know we have philosophy tomorrow and not math, right?" he asked out of concern.

"Duh, of course," Lesley rolled her eyes. "Goodnight!"


Malak looked at the time and got surprised it was already so late. Although he wanted to study more for tomorrow's math exam, he went to sleep. He put everything he needed into his backpack for tomorrow and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While doing so, he stared at his reflection before touching the place where his horns should have been. Finished with his cleaning routine, Malak went back to his room and climbed into his bed. In no time, he fell asleep.

The next day, Malak's anxiety couldn't be any higher as he steps into the same building he had been attending for the last few years. But it was about to change because, in only a few weeks, he will be graduating. This topic was the talk of all the senior year students. Most of them will continue their studies in a university of their choice while some others will debut their career.

Although graduation was causing much excitement, the event was the last thing on the student's minds. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the final exams. Unlike last time, Malak was ready to tackle them. Nothing will come in between him and good grades.

Malak and Lesley entered the classroom for his philosophy class and sat in their usual seats. The twins sat separately as they had different friends. Gradually, more and more fellow students arrived. The tension was high as there were no classes today. Instead, they had to write an essay about famous philosophers' philosophy. Malak found it interesting to compare the pieces of information he learnt from this world with the ones from his past life.

Soon, his friends arrived, one after the other. They both sat next to Malak. Enrico dropped his head on his backpack that was placed on his desk. Kayla sighed as she sat down. She then grabbed her books from her backpack before going through her notes.

"Long night?" Malak asked after poking his male friend.

Enrico groaned. "Yeah..."

"You shouldn't have let everything to the last minute, again."

"It's philosophy, I'll manage..." the black-haired teenager answered without moving from his previous position.

"This kind of thinking will make you regret it later on," Kayla interjected as she finally looks up from her notes.

Enrico groaned and finally lifted his head. "Sometimes, you need to let your brain rest."

"Hm, it can rest after the exams."

"If you don't burn out first."

Suddenly, the door opened as the teacher walked in. "Please clear everything on your desk except for a pen and liquid paper. A water bottle is allowed, but no food. I'll not answer questions concerning the content of the exams unless there's an error." he explained as he distributed the papers. "You'll have three hours and the time starts now."

All the students turned their papers over to read the content of their exams. While some may have difficulties answering, some others didn't. Malak and Kayla were in the latter. They wrote pages of argumentation while explaining the philosophy of the chosen philosopher.

Nearly three hours later, multiple students cleaned up their desks before standing up to hand in their essays. It was also the case for Malak. He already reviewed his work multiple times. As he put his pens back into his backpack, he noticed that Kayla and Enrico were still writing. After handing in his essay to his teacher, he walked out of the classroom where fellow students were comparing their answers.

Since there were no more exams or classes for the rest of the day, many students slowly made their way out of the building. As for Malak, he waited for his friends to finish.

As Malak played a mobile game, he received a text from Kian. A smile immediately appeared.

"Hey, are you done with your exam?" Malak read Kian's text.

"Yes, I'm done!"

"Good job! Do you think you did well?" Kian's text popped on my phone's screen.

"I think so."

"I'm sure you did well ^-^. Are you still at school?"

"Yes, why?" Malak quickly typed before sending his answer.

"I'm in the parking lot."

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