A Day to Remember - Part 2

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Once the twins arrived home, they greeted their parents before helping their mom to set up the table for dinner. As always, they enjoyed the meal as a family. At the end of the meal, their mom took out a cake and set it in front of the twins. Lilly and Frank sang the happy birthday song to their beloved children. They both blew the candles as the parents clapped happily.

"Happy birthday. You may not want to hear it but know that we will always love you," Lilly hugged the twins lovingly. "My babies are all grown up now."

"Thank you, mom," Lesley and Malak answered in unison.

"Let's celebrate with a drink!" Frank exclaims happily with two cans of beer in his hands.

Shocked, the older woman slapped her husband on the shoulder. "What are you doing? They may be eighteen but it doesn't mean that they can become alcoholics!"

The husband rubbed the sore spot with a grimace. "It's only once in a while. Also, they are going to a bar and then a nightclub tonight. One beer won't change much," he defended his point.

She sighed before glaring at the twins. "We allowed you to go, but it doesn't mean you can come back home drunk and naked with a girl or a boy under your arm."

"Also, make sure to keep your cup with you at all times. If you lose sight of it for a moment, do not drink it," their dad warned while giving them a cup of beer each.

"Don't worry, we will be all right," Lesley answered to reassure them.

"We will be careful," Malak added as both adults nodded in satisfaction.

Soon after, they went to their respective room to prepare themselves for the event. As their dad mentioned earlier, they will first go to a bar before going to a nightclub later on. This will be their first experience in places like these. They were excited but also nervous. It helped to know that they won't be going alone. In fact, some of them had gone to those places multiple times already. This knowledge made it easier to reassure their nerves.

With both of them wearing their new outfit, their dad agreed to give them a lift to the bar. On their way there, Frank used this occasion to give them a lecture on how dangerous the world could be and to not trust strangers blindly. At that age, this kind of speech isn't the one a teenager would want to hear. However, Lesley and Malak knew that he was only worried about them. Therefore, they quietly listened while answering at the right moments.

After a quick ride, they were first to arrive at the bar. Their dad proposed to stay in the car until the others reached the destination but they refused. They were a bit early but it was late and didn't want to impose on their father knowing that he had to wake up early for an important meeting tomorrow. It was one of the rare days where he had to work on a Saturday.

"Have fun, but drink moderately," the adult man waved as the twins waved back.

They both watched the car until it disappeared at the corner of the street. Although it was already quite advanced in the night, this part of the city was reputed for its bars, nightclubs, strip clubs and drag queen shows, etc. All the neon lights shone brightly and illuminated the streets. There was something for everyone. Therefore, people of all ages filled the street searching for entertainment alone or in a group.

Fortunately for the twins, they only had to wait a little more before their friends arrived one after the other. Together, they headed toward the bar of their choice. As soon as they enter an establishment, a hostess greets us politely before giving us a table of six near the window.

"Welcome to Clever Lantern! Here are the menus, your waiter will be here shortly," she explains with a practiced smile as the young adults thanked her.

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