Prove It

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Kian was the first one to wake up. After stretching his arms above his head, he noticed Malak sleeping almost on top of him. The limited space on the sofa provided no much room for both of them. Therefore, Malak was tucked snuggly to his side and their faces were so close that Kian could hear him breathe. Because of the size difference between them, Malak always appeared delicate in the other man's eyes. It didn't help that he also had a few feminine traits like dark, thick and long eyelashes and full lips. Unable to tear his gaze away, Kian fondly observed his lover sleep while taking the opportunity to get a closer look. Although his appearance wasn't quite the same, Malak was exactly as he remembered.

After a while, Kian looked at the time and it had gotten later than he expected. He was supposed to drive Malak back by the end of the day. Therefore, he needed to wake him up. But Kian's heart melted when he saw Malak's serene sleeping face. After a mental debate, Kian carefully removed himself from Malak's grasp. Then, he made sure Malak was sleeping in a comfortable position before walking out of the living room.

In the hallway, a familiar yet unknown wave invaded his body. It was both painful and pleasurable, which made him take a few faltering steps. Leaning against the wall, he tried to control his breath while grabbing his chest by his shirt. When it felt like it was going to subside, a new wave came again. However, this time it was a lot more powerful, and it brought him to his knees. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead and back. Suddenly, the empty feeling in his chest filled up to the brim. It was like a once dried-up lake being full of water and brimming with life. Once he realized what was happening, he managed to smile even through the pain. It was the moment he had been waiting for.

What seemed like an eternity later, Kian could finally get back to his feet. While watching his hand, he clenched and released his grip a few times. The conditions were met, and he was now free from the cursed shackles that were cast upon him by humans in a moment of weakness.

Through a window, he saw his reflection. Now that his soul was complete, his true appearance was revealed. In front of him, he saw the reflection of a smiling man with permanent bright red irises and dark brown horns, similar to those of a ram, coming out of the side of his head. He placed his hand on the cold window before wiping his hand on top of his reflection. After his hand was out of the way, the reflection changed. The horns disappeared and his eyes were back to a dull reddish-brown.

Beyond his reflection, he saw the sun disappearing on the horizon with the sky dyed in different shades of red and yellow. Although it had been years since he came to this world, he still wasn't used to the scenery and buzzing city with its weird technology. Here, the humans were prospering and reproducing like bugs. It was a wonder how they went to the top of the food chain. Not only were they fragile creatures, but they are also fickle, greedy and short-lived. They always seem to struggle against a higher power. To Kian's eyes, humans were no different than insects. The only exception to this was Malak. He may be human now, but it was only a temporary state. Plus, no matter his race, Kian would love him unconditionally.

Once he reached the kitchen to clean up, he heard Malak's phone ringing. By chance, he noticed the caller ID and the word "mum" was writing in big bold letters. He hesitated to answer the call. To his eyes, it seemed like Malak was still hiding their relationship from his family. However, not answering this call may lead to problems later on.

Quickly, he grabbed the phone and went to wake Malak up. With a groan, Malak turned to the other side as Kian tried to wake him up.

"What?" Malak groaned, still half-asleep.

"Wake up, your mum's calling."

With the speed of light, he sat up and grabbed the ringing phone from Kian's hand. He cleared his throat before answering the incoming call.

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