A Ray of Light

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The operating room’s door opened in slow motion as the surgeon walked out from it. He was in a white lab coat with his hair slightly dishevelled from the long hours of work. His facial expression revealed little.

He didn’t walk far, as Malak’s parents and Kian rushed to meet him. They hadn’t moved since Malak was brought into the operating room. Although they were only waiting for twelve hours, they looked like they didn’t sleep for days.

“How is he?” Lilly asked frantically. “My son, is he alright?”

“Madam,” the doctor called her calmly. “The surgery went well. The head trauma with internal bleeding and the broken bones, including the fractured ribs, are all taken care of. The surgery was a success.”

“Thank the Lord,” she whispered as her husband wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“He will still be under observation for three weeks in case there’s an infection, pneumonia or fever.”

“What?” her voice cracked.

“Is it something that happens often?” Frank asked with a frown.

“It depends from person to person. Complications are common because his immune system is weakened after the surgery. Do not worry, he will be well taken care of.”

“When will we be able to see him?”

“In about an hour. We need to fix him up in his room.”

“I want a private room for him,” Kian ordered.

The doctor blinked. “Of course. A nurse will come to fetch you when he’s all settled.”

After the man walked away to attend to his other duties, the couple turned to face Kian.

“Kian,” Frank started, but hesitated. “The private room was unnecessary.”

“It’s alright,” he offered a smile, although it didn’t reach his eyes. “It’ll be more comfortable for everyone.”

“The price, let’s-”

“No need,” Kian quickly added firmly.

Frank looked torn by the refusal, but his wife pulled him down as she whispered a few words to him. He nodded a few times before answering in whispers as well. Kian waited and gave them privacy. He stared at the door where the doctor emerged as if he could see his lover lying unconscious on the operating table.

Pain erupted in his heart, burying the fear that was once there. As his heart ached, anger surged forward as it soon turned into hatred. He knew the culprit of the murder attempt. He will have to find and eliminate them once and for all. He couldn’t trust the police, they will find nothing. But to do that, they had to go back. He was powerless here.

“Kian,” Lilly called. “Here are the keys to our home. Go eat something and take a shower. I’m sure Malak will not enjoy seeing you in this state.”

“I can’t impose!” Kian quickly answered, refusing the keys she was trying to place in his palm.

“It’s no problem. Go first and then we will go,” Frank added.

After some hesitation, Kian accepted the keys. “Thank you, I’ll be back shortly.”

“Eat something decent, not one of those calorific nonsenses the fast-food chains serve.”

Kian smiled. “I will.”

As the couple sat down once more in the waiting room, Kian walked out of the hospital. He didn’t want to leave Malak behind, but there is a comfort to know his parents will be there.

He called a taxi and went back to the crime scene. The perimeter was barricaded with yellow tape. A few police officers were guarding the area, but not much was happening. Kian observed from away and drew an extensive amount of magic from his core. With a short incantation, the power surged from his body and clouded the sun, the sky, the ground and all living matter with darkness. Time slowed down until the humans, the car, the birds stopped moving. Time rewound until he reached the moment Malak was about to cross the road.

He watched his love texting on his phone, waiting to cross the road. A black car with tinted windows stood out. With a pained heart, he observed the event unfold in front of his eyes. His attention was fixed on the car and he noticed there was no number plate. He stopped the vision before the vehicle was out of sight. He walked closer until he was facing the driver’s window. Kian could only see his reflection.

He felt his powers weakening as the vision started to blurry. But he forced it to stabilize a bit longer. He was trying to find something, anything, that could reveal the identity of the driver. As the world of darkness cracked, he caught a scent. It was familiar; he smelt it somewhere. However, he couldn’t recall where.

Way too soon, the darkness dissipated and time now flowed normally. The light, the sounds, and the smells attacked his senses. He had to blink a few times before realizing where he was.

He cursed under his breath as he felt it was a waste of time and energy. The slightly sweet, yet pungent scent was, however, interesting. No matter how small, it was a lead, his only one.

After retrieving his car in the parking lot near the park, he made his way toward the Elsan’s home. With the keys in his hand, he unlocked the front door. Reaching the living room, he remembered the first time he came. Malak was so nervous as he presented Kian as his boyfriend. After that, he often had the chance to visit and share a meal with his family.

Listening to Malak’s mother’s advice, he ate a fulfilling meal and took a quick shower. Refreshed, he went back to the hospital. He panicked a little when he saw no one in the waiting room, but rapidly calmed down. He realized they must be in Malak’s room now. Getting the room number from a nurse in the reception, he speared through the hallways toward his goal. Reaching the private hospital room he requested, Kian softly knocked on the door and opened it.

Inside, he saw beige painted walls with barely any decorations. There were one bed, two couches and medical equipment next to the bed and hanging from the wall. It was sterile, but it was better than sharing a tiny room with other patients.

“How is he?” Kian asked as he stood next to Malak’s parents, who occupied the two couches.

To read the full chapter go to www.tapas.io/episode/2281697

9 more chapters are already available there.

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