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Ever since that day, Malak's view of the world seemed to shine brighter and pinker. Every time he thought about that night, he would disconnect from reality with a smile plastered on his face. Some people believed Malak was sick. It was a sickness that everyone on Earth got or will get at least once in their lifetime. Most of the reported cases were not fatal.


The first stages of a romantic relationship had always been filled with rainbows and unicorns and this where Malak's state of mind was. To his eyes, everything was perfect as long as Kian was in the picture. When he wasn't present, the young adult would long for his boyfriend. The emotions were new and untainted. The need to act on his newly found feeling was high.

Therefore, whenever he had the time, Malak would grab his phone and text Kian who always replied after a brief moment. It became their routine to text each other during Malak's lunchtime and the short breaks in between the classes. Someone would believe they would eventually run out of topics to discuss, but it wasn't the case. Because of that, Malak was always glued to his phone and was oblivious of his surroundings. He did not notice that his friends were still trying to discover his lover's identity.

On the day where Kian and Malak officially became lovers, a few weeks ago, Lesley contacted Kayla. Since then, Malak's friends and sister knew about his secret, but they were still not satisfied. They needed more information and were hunting for it. Almost like three hysterical hyenas from the Disney movie, The Lion King. Weeks passed, and they still knew nothing about Malak's lover. On multiple occasions, the trio tried to stalk him. They usually secretly followed him after school or during the weekends. As a result, they either followed him to work or lost him in the crowd. It was as if something or someone was working against them. At some point, they were wondering if Malak wasn't actually playing an elaborate plan to mess them up. However, they couldn't give up. To their eyes, Malak never dated or was never interested in someone before. Their curiosity pushed them to discover who that special person was.

In the cafeteria, a group of friends were sharing a table while enjoying their lunch. They shared multiple topics, but the girls mostly talked about fashion while the boys were about video games. They each enjoyed their own conversation while forgetting about the classes, homework and exams that were usually filling their days. After a while, Malak slowly drifted away from the discussions and concentrated on his phone. His heart always beat faster when he received a text or a call from Kian. At this point, even if his friends tried to include him in their conversation, he was slow to answer and always distracted. Fully immersed in his phone, his twin sister and friends gathered their focus on Malak's lover.

"So, did you discover something new?" Kayla asked Lesley after they finished talking about fashion.

Enrico immediately perked up. "Is she hot?"

Lesley sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. He never talks about it, and he doesn't leave any clues. Although..." she eyed her twin's phone.

"If we could get his phone, it would solve everything," Kayla expressed Lesley's hidden thoughts. "But he never lets go of it," she pouted before stabbing a piece of potato in her salad.

"We can't. Ever since he started dating, he never let go of it."

"He even brings it when he goes to the bathroom. I bet he texts while in the shower too," Enrico joked before groaning. "Don't you girls realize?"

Both Lesley and Kayla stared at their male friend with a slight frown of confusion. With their hope high, they leaned closer so they wouldn't miss a fragment of information.

"How hot and loaded could she be to make Malak, the pure one, so infatuated?"

Kayla rolled her eyes at his friend's stupidity and crudeness. It was her fault to have hoped for something more from him.

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