Going Back

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“Call us if you remember anything,” a police officer said courteously as his partner finished writing his notes on his notepad.

Malak nodded with a polite smile plastered on his face, as Kian stayed silent the entire time. They both already knew the police would be useless. Malak’s assailant wasn’t from this world, and who knew what powers he or she had.

“Have a nice day,” the police officers nodded at Malak, then at Kian before leaving the room.

Alone, the couple relaxed. Although they had nothing to hide, Malak didn’t like the feeling of being interrogated. The police officers kept asking the same questions over and over. Therefore, Malak kept repeating himself until the police officers were satisfied. It was as if he was the one who committed the crime. As for Kian, it was the same process, and he despised it. Unless he wanted to raise suspicions, he had to comply.

The police also talked to the witness and took photographs of the accident. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find a usable picture or video with the plate number or the driver. They only had the colour and model of the car. They were useless. The assailant already covered his tracks.

“To commit the act and disappear so swiftly needs careful planning,” Kian commented while rubbing his chin. “Who else knew about your plans for that day?”

After thinking for a moment, Malak answered. “Katie, Enrico, Lesley, and my parents.”

“That’s all?”

“Are you suspecting one of them?” Malak asked in disbelief.

“You can’t ever be too careful.”

“Why now? I have known them for so long, they would have had multiple chances already.”

“It must be because we met. Before that, there was no reason to harm you,” Kian first answered. “Maybe I’m overthinking it,” he added after a moment of silence. However, the idea of a spy wasn’t too far stretched.

The nurse assigned to Micah knocked on his bedroom door a moment later. The couple stopped talking and turned to face the woman who entered the room. She had a professional smile plastered on her face.

“How are we feeling today?” she asked politely as she checked on the machines hooked to Malak’s arm. “Do you feel any pain or discomfort?”

“I’m a bit sore,” Malak answered before stretching the best he could. “And stiff.”

“It’s still too soon for you to walk. But the wounds are healing well. It won’t be long before you can walk around.”

“The pain isn’t as unbearable now. Do I still need to take these pills?” Malak whined as the nurse handed him a small paper cup with different coloured pills.

“Yes, you have to,” she answered before filling up another paper cup with fresh water.

Malak poured the pills into his mouth before grabbing the cup of water. The moisture helped him swallow the multiple pills. He pulled a face as the bitterness invaded his mouth.

“I need to do the daily check-up if you would please leave the room for thirty minutes,” she ordered with the same smile stretching her cheeks.

Already being defeated by the nurse, Kian stood up and kissed Malak’s head before walking out of the room. She quickly closed the door behind him as she started her routine with Micah. Anyone watching the scene would associate them with a puppeteer and his puppet. Malak limply laid on the reclined bed as the nurse moved his arms or any other part of his body as she wished.

Having nothing much to do, Kian decided to buy lunch for the both of them. Ever since the nurse approved Micah’s request about his meals, Kian had been travelling around town searching for his lover’s craving requests. One day, he bought extra spicy tteokbokki with fish cakes, the following day, he hunted for a dish named tajine. Today, Malak didn’t ask for anything yet, but he went hunting early. He checked multiple places online before travelling to the restaurant of his choice. He couldn’t go wrong with a spicy dish.

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