Meeting the Parents

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"This is going to be fun," Kian sighed as he parked his car in front of Malak's house.

"I'm sorry," Malak apologized guiltily, as he played with his fingers.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they will like me."

Malak frowned. "Isn't that what I'm supposed to say?"

"Exactly," Kian leaned in for a kiss. "I'll be on my best behaviour."

Before they could even get out of the vehicle, the front door slammed open. Lesley was ready to meet Malak's infamous, mysterious boyfriend. She watched Kian get off of his car before opening his trunk to grab some gifts. With his hands full, he quickly made his way to the front door.

"Lesley, this is Kian, my boyfriend. Kian, this is Lesley, my twin sister," Malak presented the both of them.

While Kian was sporting a smile, Lesley didn't show many emotions. She was scanning the man from head to toe. At first, she wanted to make fun of him if she ever found a physical flaw, but there was nothing to use against him. Instead, she was a little jealous of her brother.

"Welcome," she mumbled as she finally let them go through the front door.

Malak entered first, followed by the twins. Inside, a delicious odour wafted through them. As they approached the kitchen, the smell got stronger. As none of them ate anything for breakfast, the twins' stomach rumbled in anticipation.

"It smells heavenly," Kian mentioned as he placed the gifts on a coffee table.

"Thank you for the compliment," the twins' mother said with a smile as she wiped her hands on her apron.

He walked toward her and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Elsan. I'm Kian, your son's boyfriend," he smiled, with his white teeth out.

Like Lesley earlier, she also eyed the man from head to toe. Only when she was satisfied that she accepted the handshake.

"Welcome to our home," Lucy, the twins' mother, greeted warmly as he passed the appearance test.

"As a token of my gratitude, please accept these," Kian politely answered as he showed the bags that were placed on the coffee table.

Lucy followed the direction he was pointing with her eyes. Once they set on the bags, she quickly noticed how fancy they were. In no time, she recognized the name of the different brands. They were all expensive and considered luxury items.

Before she could say anything, her husband, Frank, walked down the stairs. Before he could even touch the floor, both men made eye contact. It was as if they were assessing each other.

"So, you're the boy who's dating my son," Frank said as he now stood next to his wife.

To read the rest of the chapter please go to this link.

On Tapas chapter 22 is already available.

Thank you!

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