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With the end of the school year approaching, the students were restless. They started to plan the activities they will do during the few months of vacation. While some planned outdoor activities others preferred staying in the city or at home for an endless amount of parties. For Malak and his friends, it was not different. They were already discussing the activities and trips they would do.

“What about the beach?” Kayla proposed. “I need some sun.”

“Oh, I like that!” Enrico snapped his fingers before pointing at his friend.

Malak nodded. “Me too!”

“What about we spend a week there? Can we rent an apartment or something like that for cheap?” Enrico proposed as Kayla fished her phone out from her jeans.

“I suppose it’ll depend on where we want to go,” she mumbles as she stares at the screen.

“What are our choices?” Malak asked as he leaned toward her.

“Sunshine Cove or Orves de la Mer…” she trailed. “Yeah, those look like the best ones and there are beach houses to rent.”

Kayla put down her phone, so everyone could see the screen. The three of them discussed the pros and cons of the idea. They also suggested other propositions like camping, obstacle courses in the trees, road trips and so on. In the end, they had so many options that they ended up in square one. Unable to choose their favourite, they argued on which one they should do.

“I think the beach is the best,” Enrico stated unwilling to compromise.

“But if we go camping, we can do it near a lake. We could both camp and have fun in the water,” Kayle retorted. “It’s so much more diversified.

“But it’s not the same as going to the beach!”

“You just want to see girls in bikinis,” she muttered while rolling her eyes.

“Why are you even opposing me right now? The beach was your idea!”

“Because I have never been camping before and it sounds like fun! We can do so much more than going to the beach only.”

"I hate mosquitoes. I refuse to go camping because of that," Enrico pouted as Kayla sighed.

"Is there a beach where we could camp outside? Is that allowed?" Malak asked as both his friends were now staring at him.

"You're a genius!"

"My Savior!"

Both Kayla and Enrico exclaimed together. With finally everyone at a consensus, they could finally continue their planning. They only could do so much research by the end of the day. They still needed their parents' approval and help to complete the remaining steps. But they were not in a rush. Although summer vacation was the hot topic, they still had a month and a half of school left. The hardest part was the finals. If they want to go to the beach and graduate, they'll need to pass all their exams. No one could slack off or they would be left behind and suffer through summer classes.

"Should we go just with the three of us?" Kayla asked as they walked to their next class.

"I could ask my sister and her friends," Malak proposed as Enrico smiled with his thumbs up.

"The more the merrier right?"

"Great!" the red-haired girl agreed joyously before sighing. "I wish I had a boyfriend. It would have been a nice date. Don't you agree?"

Malak’s step faltered for a second but quickly regained his composure. Doubts crept their way up. Malak was certain they didn't know his sexual orientation. But somehow, he had to convince himself that his friends still believed he was dating a girl. She wanted him to admit it and reveal her identity.

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