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“Die, faggot.”

“The world would be better without you."

Malak deleted the messages before closing his eyes with a sigh. Summer vacation barely started a week ago, and he kept receiving hate mail from unknown numbers. To avoid such repetitions, he blocked the numbers, but it helped little. He knew there could be repercussions if he brought Kian to the prom, but not to these extents.

However, no matter how much hate he received, none of them could compare to one sender in particular. Malak couldn’t block it. The texts were not simple hate mails like the others. It was as if the sender knew his past. Malak wanted to show it to Kian, but it could only be a coincidence.

“If you don’t want to die, stay away from him.”

“You're making a big mistake. Tragedy will fall upon you.”

With those threats in mind, Malak went to StarCups for his shift. Now that school was over, he worked more often than other students. If he wanted to go to college, money was needed.

However, Malak had doubts. He was planning his life as if he would continue to live in this world. But he knew otherwise. He couldn't stay. He didn't belong here.

Day by day, Kian grew more and more powerful. Soon, the mortal vessel wouldn’t be able to contain him anymore. Moreover, Malak also noticed changes in himself. It was subtle but noticeable. He was stronger, faster, his five senses were keener. His magical abilities slowly grew. It was as if the mask he had worn all his life was deteriorating. Like Kian, his human body held him back.

He also often suffered from headaches and throbbing pain where his horns would be. Or sometimes, he broke into a cold sweat as the magic, trapped inside him, tried to unleash. They were all reminders that Malak wasn't human. He didn't belong here. Not only his body, but the people were also pushing him out.

In the end, they'll have to leave. Malak will have to leave behind a world he had grown into. Had learned to appreciate, although he always felt like he didn't belong. He was born on Earth and yet wasn’t one of them. His mother gave birth to him, but he wasn’t her son. His parents loved him and Malak reciprocated their feelings. Yet he missed and yearned for his mother from his past life.

Malak wasn't sure where he truly belonged. Sometimes, he wondered if this life truly was his. Did he steal it from the real "Malak" when he reincarnated?

During his entire shift, Malak tried to focus on his job. But he was often lost in his thoughts. His eyes were blank as he prepared the different caffeinated beverages. Most of the time, he was moving by muscle memory. His body knew what to do while his mind wandered beyond the walls of the small coffee shop.

At the end of the day, Malak walked out of the building. Quickly, he locked up the door. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed a familiar car. His legs carried him toward the vehicle before he knew it. When he was close enough to see the person behind the wheel, a smile tugged at his lips.

In the past week, the couple barely saw each other. Malak wished they could meet daily, but Kian was busy with something. Although it had only been a week, Kian changed. He was the same physically and still wore a smile whenever he saw Malak. It was the eerie air around him. His powerful magic rippled out of him in waves and blurred the contour of his body. He was like a god walking among men. Looking like them, yet not from the same mould.

When their eyes met, Malak also noticed something shining into those ruby red orbs. Before, they were red but dull. Now, a fire danced, twirled and warmed the teenager's heart. They were exactly as he remembered.

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