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“Why is he not waking up?”

“Give it some time. There is nothing to worry about.”

“It has already been an hour!”

“Honey, please calm down. The doctor knows what he’s doing.”

Malak could hear everything, and it frustrated him he couldn’t answer. He couldn’t tell them he was well, still healing from his injury, but well enough. His eyes were glued shut, and his body refused to obey him. He had never felt like this before, and it made him uncomfortable.

“He may wake up soon, but he still won’t be coherent. It takes time for the anesthesia to fade away. I’ll need to ask you to not bombard him with questions,” the doctor explained patiently to Malak’s mother, who was slightly panicking.

“But that will have to wait until tomorrow. Visiting hours ended. Please leave the hospital and let the patient rest,” a nurse added after knocking at the door.

“Right,” the doctor looked at his watch. “Please come back tomorrow. Our nurses will take the utmost care of him.”

“What if he wakes up during the night? He’ll be alone and disoriented. I should stay.”

“Lesley is waiting for us at home. She needs us,” Frank comforted his wife. “Come,” he leads her out of Malak’s room, although she followed reluctantly. “Do you want to spend the night at our house?”

Kian, who had been silent, finally looked up from Malak’s sleeping body. “I don’t want to impose again. I’ll stay at a hotel nearby.”

“Hotels aren’t comfortable. Come with us. You look like you need a good night’s sleep,” Lilly added as the same haunted fog clouded her eyes.

Not having the energy to argue, Kian nodded and followed the couple out of the hospital. If his magic wasn’t spent, he would have had cast a spell to become invisible and stayed in that room with his love. But Lilly was right. He needed time to rest. He needed to replenish his reservoir, so he could protect his husband and bring him back home.


In the same evening, Malak’s eyes finally opened. His pupils were dilated and his gaze unfocused. He mindlessly stared at the ceiling for a minute before going back to sleep. His body forced him back into unconsciousness. The effect of the anesthesia had faded away a long time ago.

His eyes closed, but the darkness did not blind him. He was still conscious of his surroundings and what was happening beyond his room. He could feel the nurses walking around or chatting among themselves. It was as if his consciousness slipped out of his body and he was a ghost roaming the Earth.

Remembering who he was, he searched his memories. He couldn’t remember anything before seeing that car rushing toward him. Slowly piecing the fragments of his memories together, he now understood why he was at the hospital. Using his astral body, he roamed around the building. At some point, he searched for Kian and his family when he remembered hearing their voices. But when he noticed that the hospital was unusually empty, he realized the visiting hours ended.

He stopped in a hallway and looked outside through a window. The moon was glowing, but no stars were visible. The silence of the hospital was eerie and gave Malak goosebumps. As he stared at the moon, he remembered the nights he spent on the balcony of their room in the castle. There, the moons were also pure white. There were two of them, always next to each other. Like a mother and her child.

Feeling tired, he traced back his steps. Reaching his room, he flew through the closed door. Even in the unlit room, he could perfectly see his body laying on the bed. But something was out of place. There was a faint light shining near his chest. Malak tried to reach it, but he felt nothing. Except for a faint smell reminding him of Kian. The young adult smiled faintly before going back into his body.

The entire Chapter is available on Tapas and Royal Road.

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