A Day to Remember - Part 1

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Today was a special day for the Elsan twins. It was the day where they legally turn into adults. For teenagers, it meant that they can become independent and many look forward to it. They also celebrated it by partying and drinking liquor with their friends. For some, this experience will be for the first time while others had done it many times. As for the twins, the former was more accurate.

However, being eighteen years old didn't exempt anyone from school. Fortunately for them, it was a Friday. So, even if they went overboard, they didn't have to fear to miss a day of school the next day. With the future event in mind, it was no surprise that the group of teenagers were unable to concentrate in class. Their eyes were glued to the clock and impatiently watched each second pass by.

"Finally, it's lunchtime!" Enrico, Malak's friend, cheered with his arms stretched above his head.

"Is sleeping and eating all know?" the red-haired young woman, Kayla, criticized while rolling her eyes. "You were dozing all morning. I wonder how the teacher missed it."

"It is undoubtedly because of my excellent genes," he boasted his ego shamelessly.

"Or she already knows that you're beyond saving," Malak snickered as Kayla laughed behind her palm.

"Why are you siding with her? You were asleep too!" Enrico retorted with annoyance.

Malak never slept in class. But recently, he had trouble sleeping at night. He was never one to believe that we could connect dreams to reality, but he slowly accepted that it couldn't be a mere coincidence. Each time he closed his eyes, the same scenario kept happening.

At first, everything was black and Malak couldn't see much. Gradually, a shadow appeared as it was walking toward the teenager. As he got closer, he noticed that everything was blurry except for the person's eyes. They had a deep bronze colour that was almost metallic. It was a shade he never saw before. Then, they slowly gained a red hue until they were ruby red. They were so pure and bright that it looked like they were sparkling in the dark. It looked surreal. However, Malak wasn't scared. On the contrary, he found comfort in them. He felt the red eyes nostalgic and beautiful. Once the unknown silhouette got close enough, it tilted Malak's head up before embracing him. It was an overwhelming experience that couldn't compare to anything he had experienced so far. It was almost magical. When their lips parted, the spell was broken and the boy always ended up staring at the ceiling of his bedroom with a smile and a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Well, it's your words against mine. And who do you believe?" both boys turned their attention on their red-haired companion.

"I believe you," she smiled before wrapping her arm around Malak's shoulders.

"W-what? Why?"

Kayla glared at the raven-haired boy. "Look at how innocent he looks and then, look at you and you'll understand."

"You're only saying that because you prefer him to me," Enrico grumbles as both his friends ignored him and packed their school books into their backpack.

Shortly after, the group of friends arrived at the school cafeteria where hundreds of students had already gathered to enjoy their meal and the company of their companions. They easily blended into the crowd and patiently waited for their turn to order their food. They may see each other five days a week, but they never ran out of topics to chat about. At first glance, they didn't seem like people that will normally gather because of how different they look from each other. However, if you were to scratch deeper than the surface, you discover that the appearances are deceptive. You should never judge a person by its cover.

With a tray of food in their hands, they rapidly found an empty table to feast on. In the middle of their meal and conversation, Lesley finally arrived with her own set of friends. Although they were twins, they didn't share the same classes. Except for their appearance, their personalities were different. Maybe this was the reason their trust in each other was unbreakable. Even if they spend little time together in school, all of them were friendly with each other. They were not strangers.

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