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Kian observed his surroundings and frowned in dissatisfaction. This wasn’t his palace, and it wasn’t a wealthy residence either. He couldn’t hear the buzzing sound of the city, and the sun was already high. Instead of the comfort of his home, he found himself in a wooden log cabin in the middle of a forest. It was surprisingly well maintained for its location. No dust or trash was laying on the floor. This place wasn’t luxurious, but it was clean and had everything it needed.

“I apologize for my incompetence,” Ezrel exclaimed with all his heart. “First, please take a seat, so I can explain what happened during your absence.”

“Fine,” Kian accepted before glancing at Malak, who was standing next to him.

Malak didn’t seem to have noticed yet, but their appearances changed ever since they walked through that gate. Although he was in another body, his soul remembered everything and adjusted accordingly. It was like changing clothes. There was no pain or discomfort. Now they were back, magic freely poured in their veins. The limit they once had was removed.

With the both of them following Ezrel to another room containing a wooden table at the centre, they all took a seat. Kian and Malak were sitting next to each other as Ezrel was facing them. Suddenly, a maid appeared out of thin air and placed a cup of tea in front of each of them.

Once again, Kian frowned at the simple fare. Just by the scent, he knew it wasn’t the same tea leaves they usually served him at the palace. With the situation they were in, he was fearing the worse. He was absent for a lot longer than he planned, and this was the result. Did he lose his Kingdom to the human rebellion? Did another country invade in his absence? He needed to know what happened.

Malak carefully brought the cup of tea to his lips and took a sip. For him, the taste of the tea brought back multiple memories of his family. Before Malak knew Kian, he was living a simple life as a commoner. Tea leaves were expensive, and so were coffee beans. But this kind of tea leaves was the only one cheap enough, so the common people could occasionally buy and enjoy.

Remembering his training as a royal member, Malak gently put the cup down on the table. He straightened his back and closed his eyes temporarily to control his emotions. He couldn’t show any weakness, even among trusted servants.

“A few months after your Majesty left, I relayed your orders as requested. In a few months, the Lord of Casrum, Serik Albimbert, quickly gained the other Lords’ favours and organized a coup. We were taken by surprise and offered little resistance. I’ll accept any punishment.” Ezrel elegantly got to his knees next to Kian. 

Kian quietly listened with his arms crossed. He was expressionless during the entire explanation. Malak rarely involved himself in politics. It wasn’t because Kian had forbidden it. He didn’t want to trouble his husband. Before their wedding, a lot of the Lords and Ladies disagreed with their union. But as the sole ruler, Kian went along with it. This was why Malak only accompanied Kian during social events.

“Rise, your dead body won’t be of any use,” Kian quickly dismissed him as Ezrel thanked him for his grace. “The Lord of Casrum is now ruling in my stead. How does he fare?”

“He rules the Kingdom as he ruled his trading city. Although the economy is overflowing, the taxes are heavy on the people, and most of the inhabitants in small villages have nothing left at the year-end.”

“I once thought he deserved to rule a bigger territory based on his merits and results, but it seems I overestimated him… Do you have the list of the other Lords that joined him?”

“Here it is,” Ezrel quickly handed a document he prepared beforehand.

Kian grabbed it and quickly scanned it. The names written on the list didn’t surprise him. Finished, he handed it to Malak. The garbage needed to be thrown out.

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