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Stunned, Kian stared at Malak. “Are you sure?”

The younger man bit his lips. “Yes.”

“I won’t be able to undo it afterwards,” Kian warned, as he was concerned Malak would regret it.

It didn’t really matter to him if this family remembered him, as long as they could both go back to the world they belonged to. But he couldn’t blame him. The Society of the Silver light killed all his relatives. It was to show the others what could happen if the humans were associated with the demons. However, Malak wasn’t aware of that.

“I don’t want them to suffer because of me. If they don’t remember, my disappearance won’t hurt them.”

“And after that?”

“We go home.”

As the words slipped out of Malak’s lips, relief flooded Kian’s body. The answer was expected, but he still needed to hear him say it.

“Alright,” Kian nodded as he squeezed Malak’s hand. “Rest up. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll be back soon.”

They shared a kiss before Kian left the hospital. Before everything else, he set up a protective ward with his magical powers to protect Malak. He was only powerful enough to make a decent one. He needed to be conservative about his powers. A lot needed to be done.

Kian already knew where Malak’s family was and headed to their workplace. He first started with his parents. His mother owned a small baking business and provided homemade cakes and other sweets. In front of the Elsan’s home, Kian blended into shadows to move through the door and walls until he was right behind her. Before she could realize he was even here, the demon King placed his hand on her head and penetrated her mind. He could feel her body go rigid as he walked through all the panels, representing her memories. One by one, Kian erased Malak’s presence from them. Once he left her mind, she only remembered being a family of three. She married her high school sweetheart and had a child together. She never bore twins, only a girl they named Lesley.

Before leaving the house, he felt his power seeping through his fingertips to erase all objects, pictures and social media accounts that proved Malak’s existence. He, however, packed a few items that he thought Malak would enjoy or need like a memento of this world.

Kian did the same for the rest of the family. It wasn’t too difficult, but it took time and sapped his magic a lot quicker than he expected. He needed to rest and replenish his energy before going through Katie and Enrico’s minds. He was glad Malak already graduated, as he didn’t need to clean up all the teachers’ and classmates’ minds.

Hours later, there was only Enrico left. He was the hardest to locate. He had to use Katie to find him. By the time he found his last target, the sky was already dark. Enrico lived alone in an apartment downtown. He didn’t seem to work, so how he could afford it was a mystery.

Like all the other times, Kian slipped through the doors, and walls to reach his target. He appeared behind Enrico, who was watching the television. Before he could make contact, the target turned around.

Enrico’s eyes widened and jumped out of his couch. “W-what…?”

Kian moved too fast for the human to comprehend what happened. In a blink of an eye, he crossed the distance separating them. Kian quickly entered his mind. Compared to the others, he had more difficulties, but it wasn’t impossible. Like all the others, he carefully erased his lover’s existence from Enrico’s mind. As he went down his memories, some panels were blurred. Kian paid them no mind since it often happened when someone had amnesia or traumatic events he wanted to forget.

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