Our First Encounter

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~Hi author here, This isn't technically my first story but it is the first that I'm going to confidently post (hopefully)! If anyone decides to read my story be free to give any ideas or criticism, I have to admit I'm not good at being creative or motivated so any ideas you may have I will definitely appreciate ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ~     

 3rd person pov


⚠ warnings include: bullying, cursing⚠

5 years earlier

"Please leave me alone!" yelled 10 year old Izuku who continuously got picked on and beat up by 3 boys on his way home from school.

"Why should we shorty?" said the boy with the freakishly big nose.

"B-because I didn't do anything to you" said Izuku through teary eyes.

"Well maybe if you weren't annoying we wouldn't have problems!" said one of the boys who had dark black hair and a giant forehead, while the 3rd boy who had the biggest chin you've ever seen especially on a 10 year old, got ready to strike poor defenseless Izuku.

As the 3rd boy hit Izuku a ash blonde boy with dazzling red eyes that none of them had never met before started running up to them with an angry gaze and clenched fists .

"Why would you do that to him, he hasn't done anything and he doesn't deserve that shit from a couple of extras who look like freaks who came straight out of a Almight comic!" said the ash blond who had a prideful smirk on his face as he pushed the 3rd boy away from Izuku.

"He was in our way, who even are you?" said the boy with the big nose.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou, and you are a asshole whos toxic masculinity gets in the way of your human decency."  the blonde now known as Bakugou stated with a sneer.

Katsuki was pissed and he didn't even try to hide it, the moment one of the three boys opened their mouth to give a snarky comment Bakugou swung out his fist and punched the kid square in the jaw. All three of the boys scrambled away from Bakugou and Izuku (who was on the ground crying). Even though Bakugou was still fuming his face softened when he looked down at Izuku whimpering on the ground crying, his lip was busted and bleeding, his left cheek was swollen and the knee of his jeans was were ripped and stained with blood from his scraped up knee.

"Hey are you ok, do you want me to help you?" asked Katsuki in the softest voice he could make while reaching out to the greenette in front of him.

"Y-yes please, I'm s-sorry for causing you t-trouble!" whispered Izuku while Katsuki helped him up onto his feet.

"I don't think I got to properly introduce myself, I'm Katsuki Bakugou." Katsuki said with a grin.

"Its n-nice to meet you K-k-Kacchan? I'm Izuku M-Midoriya." said Izuku with the biggest smile he could muster up due to the circumstances.

"K-Kacchan?" Katsuki questioned trying to hide his blush and confusion.

It took Izuku a minute to understand what Katsuki was talking about. When the realization finally dawned on him his face turned bright red and Katsuki couldn't help but giggle a bit. 

"I'm s-sorry I just p-pronounced your name wr-wrong and it came out as Kacchan....*ramble ramble ramble*" mumbled Izuku.

"No no, don't worry I like it! But since you called me Kacchan I'm gonna call you Deku! proudly exclaimed Katsuki.

"D-doesn't that mean u-useless?" said Izuku as he got teary eyed again.

"Not if you think of it like "I can do it" rather then its true meaning!" stated Katsuki.

"Ok Kacchan, wanna hang out with me? We can read Almight comics and watch his movies! said Izuku as he got this twinkle in his eyes that would remind you of the stars in the night sky.

"Sure Deku,  lets go. said Katsuki with a giggle.

~Flashback end~


~Hi, its author again (feel free to call me whatever you like) that's the end of my first chapter I'm sorry if its a little unorganized, please make sure to give me feedback or any tips that you may have for me! Bye, Munchkins!!

P.S- author is Pansexual questioning sexuality just to make it clear when it comes to some slurs in this story! (^///^)~

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