Middle School

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  ~Hi again! Author here, this chapter is a flashback but its farther in to the future (the end of their middle school experience) just wanted to make sure that everyone knows they are really close friends and Katsuki never bullied Izuku. They are in 8th grade, so their last year in middle school. Enjoy ~ ^_^

3rd person pov


1 week earlier

  Izuku was waking down the hallways of Aldera Junior High, keeping his eyes averted towards the ground and his hands on the strap of his backpack. Nobody really messed with him anymore unless it was the occasional rude note in his locker or dirty looks on his way to his classes, but nobody dared to look his direction when Katsuki was with him. Everyone could sense the connection between the two, except for the poor oblivious boys. 

"Oi Deku!" yelled the angry Pomeranian of a boy.

The greenette slightly flinched at the loudness of Katsuki's voice before realizing who it was and running up to him with the biggest smile that could challenge the sun when it comes to brightness.

"Hey Kacchan!! How was your morning? Did you sleep ok last night? How's Auntie? Did you do the homework from yesterday, if not I can help you!" Izuku kept rambling until Katsuki stopped him by answering his questions.

"My morning was fine, the old hag is just super fucking loud. I slept fine last night after I did my homework. The old hag is just fine, she is gonna be on a business trip to night with my old man. Now if your done worrying like your mom I was wondering if you want to  stay a couple of goddamn nights while my parents are gone in America, my mom doesn't want me to be alone." of course the explosive blonde mumbled the last part with a slight blush.

"Of course I will Kacchan but isn't it a school night, I mean I know this week is our last week of 8th grade but at the same time...OH Kacchan have you found out what high school accepted you yet?" Izuku eagerly asked after agreeing to stay with Katsuki.

"Mhm, have you found out yet nerd?" the ruby eyed boy said trying to hide his nervousness.

" Yeah! I have and guess what! I got into UA!" said Izuku with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Hell yeah so did I!" said Katsuki not hiding his excitement at all.

The two boys shared a hug both having giant smiles on their faces, they were both accepted into the school of their dreams! UA specializes in kids with the biggest potential, everything between athleticism, academics, and social skills. Izuku is an amazing photographer, he is a straight A student, has always been one of the top in all of his classes and he draws people to him like a moth to a flame, he's just to awkward to embrass it. Katsuki excels in any sport you throw at him, he is a mostly A or B student he's also pretty sociable but only lets in a select few. 

As the two finally let go of one another they realized they had an audience, Izukus face went bright red as for Katsuki, he stopped smiling and went back to his normal scowl. 

"What the fuck are you extras looking at huh?" yelled the hot headed teen as Izuku hid behind him.

Everyone immediately averted their eyes all with a different expression. Some people were smiling about the two obliviously gay boys, while others cringed at exactly how oblivious they are. Then there were the people who were just plain frowning and muttering about how much a dick Katsuki was. Neither of the boys cared though. The bell for the end of the rung so they boys grabbed there stuff from their lockers and went to Izukus to grab clothes and alert his mom where he would be, praying his father wouldn't be there.

------Time skip to at the sweet broccoli boys room------

"Hey Kacchan?" Izu says as he starts getting his clothes and such.

"Hm?" Katsuki replies while laying on Izukus bed staring at the ceiling.

"How long will your parents be in America?" says Izuku as he grabs his toiletries.

"About 3 weeks, so a little into summer break. Why?" says the dandelion as he gets off Izukus bed and grabs his and the greenette's bags. 

"My mom wanted to know." said the green eyed boy with a smile as he texts his mom the info about being at Katsuki's house.

All of a sudden they hear the front door open and slam close. Katsuki and Izuku share a confused look since Izuku was just talking to his mother and she said she's still at work. Then the realization hit Izuku like a brick. It was his father. 

Izuku quickly grabbed his stuff and Katsuki's hand and tried to leave before his father saw them. Right as he and Katsuki were about to be out of the front door Izuku heard his name being called from the kitchen doorway.

"Izuku where are you going and why are you trying to sneak out?" Hasashi Midoriya asked in a aggressive voice.

"...shit..." whispered Izuku just loud enough that Katsuki heard it leaving him shook.

"Hi Hisashi, we already talked to Inko and confirmed our plans with my mother and its been decided that Izuku is staying at my house until my parents are back from America." stated Katsuki in a calm and collective voice sensing Izukus fear.

"Oh ok" said Hisashi in a noticeably strained voice.

"Bye Dad" Izuku said, even though he did his best to hide it you could just barely hear the malice in his voice.

End of flashback


~Ok Hello again lovelies, this concludes my second chapter! I really hope you like it, please leave criticism. Also for the people who read my first chapter I'm gonna change  a bit of it so like yeah lol. Bye~ (●'◡'●)

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