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~Heyo Bitches, here's another chapter =)~

3rd person POV

Mitsuki and the boys just sat in silence, regret and fear was radiating off of Izuku. Bakugou wasn't any better,  honestly he was terrified, he hadn't technically told his mother about being gay and really didn't want to see how she reacted. As much as Bakugou didn't want to show his fear Izuku caught on pretty quickly, he took initiative and grabbed the taller blondes hand while giving him a reassuring smile.

Mitsuki watched the interaction, using every bit of will power in her body to stop herself from squealing. Her gaze was hard and cold as she looked between the two boys trying to decide how she said come about the situation. She obviously wasn't mad about them dating or liking each other, honestly I'm not sure they know themselves, but what she was a little peeved at was how the boys completely ditched school and didn't tell anyone where the hell they were going. 

"Boys..." Mitsuki started but stopped when Izuku opened his mouth to speak.

"Mom, I'm sorry" Katsuki interrupted with his head down and in a whisper that was laced with desperation.

"Huh?" Mitsuki was confused to say the least, she hasn't even made her complaint and he is already apologizing, and even worse; he had called her mom. There is something definitely wrong.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about being gay! I really wanted to tell you but I was scared on how you would react and what would happen if you weren't supportive." at this point the blonde teen brought his head up. His eyes were tear filled and his face had red splotches on it. Izuku felt like shit, he hadn't realized that Katsuki wasn't out to his mom. He may have ruined everything, and from the look on Katsuki's face he came to the conclusion that he once again got in the way of things. Izuku began debating whether or not he should leave when Katsuki started speaking again. "Do you still at least tolerate me?" The last sentence made both of the blondes start crying, obviously taking Izuku down with them.

They were all crying, which of course included the infamous no-emotions-ever guy Katsuki Bakugou. He hadn't cried in front of people in years but it was such a relief to get it off his chest. The room was filled with the sounds of sobbing and small phrases such as 'I'm so sorry', 'I love you!' 'Your still my son', practically all from Mitsuki. 30 minutes later the three of them could finally breath with the occasional sniffles and sighs, no one said anything until Mitsuki thought it would be best.

"I will always love you boys, I really hope you know that." Mitsuki said with a look of motherly love in her eyes. She slowly opened her arms and engulfed Katsuki in a hug, after a moment or two she realized Izuku was not in the hug so she opened her arms a bit wider and motioned him closer. Izuku happily accepted and leaned into her touch while wrapping his arms around Katsuki as well, a fluttery feeling began in his chest but he pushed it away and smiled softly.

"Okay Brat, enough with the mushy stuff! Go upstairs because you guys obviously have some things you need to figure out." Mitsuki said with a smirk. She stood up off of the couch and started to wipe the dust off of her clothes before heading into the kitchen to make some more food.

The boys both turned a bit red before going back up to Katsuki's room. Izuku was the first to walk in, as soon as he was inside he went straight to the bed and collapsed. Katsuki let a playful smirk make its way up to his face before running and jumping on top of Izuku, making the greenette let out a small 'oof' followed by a louder groan.

"Kacchan you are crushing me!" Izuku yelled as he tried to squirm away from the situation.

"Welp that's to bad, because I am extremely comfortable!" Katsuki yelled back before adding the rest of his wait on Izuku's body in an attempt to stop him from moving around so much.

"Humph!" The greenette finally gave up and let the taller teen do what he wanted with a strong pout on his face.

Bakugou was absolutely exhausted, he didn't enjoy showing his emotions, so you can only imagine how mentally drained he was after the whole 'fight' in the living room. 5 more minutes into Izuku being completely still made the obnoxiously loud blonde fall asleep, leaving a sense of peace and room for Izuku to think, despite the lack of room he had to breath. When Izuku felt as though the larger male wasn't going to be able to efficiently stop him, he slowly started to push Katsuki off of him and onto the space beside him. He got off the bed and started to make his way downstairs. When he got downstairs he started patting down his pockets before letting out a sigh of annoyance, he lost his damn phone! He scanned around the room with his eyes before making his way over to the couch and picking up the small electronic. He clicked the power button and squinted his eyes due to the sudden brightness.

"Shit..." Izuku cursed as he scrolled through the text messages that littered his notification bar. It was everything between threats form Uraraka and his dad to pleads and worried messages to his mother. "God damnit I forgot to tell my mom where I was going! i didn't even tell her when I left school!" He quickly got up and started scurrying around Katsuki's house to grab anything and everything he may have had lying around. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" the panicked greenette exclaimed while as his phone started ringing and the profile name 'Hisashi' popped up.

"Hello?" Izuku said shakily when he finally got the courage to pick it up.

"Where the hell are you? You haven't been home, you left school with no explanation and I got a fucking call from your homeroom teacher because he war worried about you!" Hisashi shouted from the other side of the phone.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll b-be home s-soon." the shaking greenette said not daring to raise his voice above a whisper.

"Yeah you fuc-" Izuku quickly hung up the phone and started to get his shoes on, not bothering to wake Katsuki up from his slumber.

He ran out the door and straight to his house. Before he could even open the door the smell of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages filled his nostrils, making the already anxious boy nauseas and made it harder to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.

'Fuck' the small boy thought before opening the door and making his way inside the hell bound house.


~Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed, I think I am going to end this book soon but if you have any ships from the MHA fandom or any other that comes to mind just let me know and I'll write it! If you have any suggestions or feedback on the chapters I would love to hear them! Bye Lovelies~

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