Dates pt. 1

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~This is gonna be Broccoli's point of view on his date with the Candy cane Reject and the next is gonna be on Bakuhoes date with Kirby. Also I had a comment giving me an idea so in the next like two chapters I'm gonna be tagging them and using their amazing idea! Well enjoy and give me feedback!~

Deku POV

Me and Kacchan sat on his bed in an awkward silence. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what to say especially with the feeling of rising jealousy rising in my chest, making it hard for me to say something that doesn't sound like I'm being a prick. I sat there trying to start a conversation and debating with myself with whether or not to cancel my date with Shoto. Before I could efficiently make up my mind there was a loud knock on the front door downstairs. Me and Kacchan shared a glance to each other before slowly making our way to the door. Kacchan opened the door and I could practically feel the tension between the two.

"Uh bye Kacchan.." I said as I made my way to Shoto.

"Bye Deku. Text or call me if anything goes wrong!" Kacchan yelled while starting to close the door. "Have fun you dumbasses, but not to much fun!" he shouted one more time and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as I walked away.

I jumped into the passenger seat of Todoroki's car and buckled up. "Where are we going?" I asked very enthusiastically trying to make sure the mood was as cheerful as it could be.

"It's a surprise, Midoriya!" Shoto said with a small smile that melted my heart. 

3rd person (Still with Izuku and Shoto)

Shoto and Izuku have been in the car for only five minutes and they were laughing and screaming the lyrics to 'Cooler Then Me'.  The boys were singing and looking at each other when ever they could due to Shoto still having to drive.

When the car finally stopped Shoto went around the passenger side and helped Izuku out of the car like the gentleman he naturally is. They had walked down a path by a old park that Izuku hadn't been to in years, the path was lined with beautiful cherry blossom trees and led to a small clearing that had a perfect view of the setting sun. It was breath taking, Izuku turned towards Shoto with a look of admiration just to notice the picnic basket in the later males hand. 

Shoto took Izuku's hand gently and led him to a spot to sit. He placed the food from the basket which consisted of katsudon, root beer, and a shit load of sweets and Izuku was overwhelmed with excitement. They started eating and talking to each other about anything and everything. Todoroki was going out of his way to make sure he did a few things the same way that he noticed the angry male that Izuku obviously had a huge crush on.

Shoto wasn't dumb, he saw the way Izuku looked at Katsuki and it made him jealous. He wanted Izuku to look at him that way, with admiration, pride and full on joy. He wanted Izuku to talk about anything and everything with him like he does with Katsuki, even when he is just mumbling absolute nonsense.  He just hoped that this date could help Izuku see Shoto as more then just a friend. 

"Are you okay Shoto?" the greenette asked the bicolored teen with concern lacing his voice.

"Of course Midoriya!" Shoto stated with a genuine smile, while inching closer to the oblivious broccoli boy.

"Okay, you just seemed really deep in thought and I got worried." Izuku said before going back to munching on pocky.

The two boys at first sat in a comfortable silence, until the silence turned into tension and both boys became awkward and unsure what to do next. Instead of trying to make conversations the boys just sat their slowly and absent-mindly leaning closer to each other while watching the sun set. Izuku ended up in a position where Izuku was leaning against Shoto and the bicolored boy had his arm wrapped around Izuku's shoulders. They sat there for a good hour for the sun to fully set and for them to start packing up to go back to the car.

"I really enjoyed hanging out with you Shoto." Izuku said with a huge smile. "I had a lot of fun!"

"Me to Midoriya." Shoto said with no emotion in his voice. He took a deep breath and pulled the car over and took Midoriya's hand in his. "Will you please be my boyfriend Izuku, I really like you and I have since we started hanging out and it would make me so happy."

"I like you to Todo-kun, but I don't think I can see me liking you more then a friend." Izuku said regretting it the moment it came out of his mouth while looking at Shoto's face change emotions. "I like somebody else but I really hope that we can still be friends and I am so sorry Todoroki."

"It's Bakugou, isn't it?" Todoroki said while starting to drive again.

"..yeah.. " Izuku practically whispered but Shoto just barely caught it.

"He likes you to, it's painfully obvious." Todoroki stated chuckling slightly at Izuku's confused face.

"That's not true, and even if it was he is on a date with Uraraka and we all know she gets whatever she wants." Izuku said not even attempting to hide the jealousy in his voice. When he realized how that sounded he turned a bright red. "Sorry.." he apologized not really sounding sorry.

"That sounded very mature." Shoto said with sarcasm lacing his voice making both of the boys laugh.

Todoroki arrived at Katsuki's house and the boys could see the faint silhouette of the blonde from the living room window.  The boys exchanged a knowing look and Izuku slowly unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Thank you for tonight Shoto, I had a lot of fun." Izuku exclaimed before giving Shoto a peck on the cheek and ran to Katsuki's front door, leaving the half 'n' half boy with a smile.

"Kacchan I'm back, how did your d-date go?" Izuku said suddenly feeling nervous.

"Like shit, I don't even like her so I don't even know why I agreed." the blonde said while rolling his eyes. "How did your date go?" he continued finding the floor became weirdly fascinating.

"It went good, I had fun but I don't like him more then a friend and he completely understood." Izuku exclaimed excitedly, not knowing if his excitement was from the memories of the date or the fact that Katsuki's date went badly. "What made your date so bad?" he asked trying to show sympathy in his voice even though he was ecstatic.


~So I stopped it like this because the conversation will continue at the end of next chapter after Katsuki's date. I hope you enjoyed and please tell me anything i did wrong or just plain suggestions! Bye Lovelies!~

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