The End =)

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~Okay I am finally ending this book, I'm sorry if this story was/is confusing just let me know and while I'm editing I will fix things so they make more sense!~

3rd person POV

It was their last year of highschool, Izuku and Katsuki were ecstatic! They had been together since the day Katsuki had asked him out, almost everyone was happy for them. Uraraka was no longer a problem since she had started to date a kid from another school named Inasa Yoarashi in their 2nd year, there were indeed a few classmates that weren't particularly happy with the same sex couple thing but they judged silently and it really didn't bother the two of them. 

Izuku also no longer has to deal with his father anymore. At the end of their 3rd year Katsuki had made a surprise visit to Izuku's house and had witnessed the abuse first hand,  after hours of tear and pleads from Izuku begging him not to go straight to the police Katsuki did the next best thing and made Hisashi a deal. The deal was that Katsuki wouldn't go to the police but in order for that to stay in order he had to leave the Midoriya's alone. In the end Hisashi was arrested for an accident he caused while he was intoxicated which didn't really affect the Midoriya's.

All of the seniors were buzzing with excitement as everyone got seated in their caps and gowns waiting impatiently for their names to be called. Izuku and Bakugou were sitting hand in hand as the greenettes leg bounced with anticipation, the blonde beside him smiled at him wit a look between admiration  and pure bliss. The blonde had something planned and the only people who knew were himself,  'bakusquad' and their homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa but he only knows because he is the one calling the students up to the stage. He became noticeably more nervous as it got closer to the time his name was called. 

"Katsuki Bakugou." Aizawa said with a small smirk as he handed the microphone to the red faced blonde.

"Okay you got this Katsuki" he whispered t himself as he gets to the middle of the stage. "Uh, hey guys." he cringed at himself as the microphone made a high-pitched sound and people started to lightly chuckle. Katsuki took a deep breath and got ready to continue. "I have never been good at speeches, fuck it! I know I have been the biggest asshole to you guys all year and I know we have all had our ups and downs. With that in mind I know for a fact that these have been some of the best years of my whole damn life, and if you extras weren't enough to make it the most fun I have ever had I also Izuku Midoriya." Katsuki let his eyes travel over the crowed before they landed on Izuku. "Will you please come up here Deku?" 

All eyes were on the small green eyed boy as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and stood up. He waved at the bakusquad as they gave him suspicious smiles and thumbs up. He made his way up the short stairs that lead up to stage, when he made it up he took a deep breath and stood in front of Katsuki.

"Kacchan what are you doing?" Izuku whispered but much to his dismay he was ignored.

"You, Izuku Midoriya are one of the only reasons I have made it this far. You are so kind, generous, gorgeous, and so fucking strong. I couldn't imagine my life without you, in fact that is something I never want to do." at this point Katsuki had gotten on one knee and taken out a velvet box. Izuku was stunned along with everyone else besides the few people who knew this was gonna happen. "I have been in love with you since the 5th grade Izuku. Will you please do me the honors of becoming Mr. Izuku Bakugou?" Katsuki was sweating his balls off, he was so fucking scared he was gonna be rejected. The fear of rejection kept growing larger as Izuku just stood there staring at him with tears in his eyes.

"Yes..." Izuku whispered. "Oh my fucking god yes!!" Izuku screamed before he tackled Katsuki in a bone crushing hug.

The auditorium was filled with cheers of congratulation and  shock from both the graduates and the adults in the room as the two shared a passionate kiss on stage. Izuku was still crying as Katsuki slipped the ring on his petite finger.

 Izuku was still crying as Katsuki slipped the ring on his petite finger

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(Sorry I got to lazy to explain how it looked)

Highschool was finally over, and it was one hell of a ride but it was all worth it as the blonde shared a loving with is soon to be husband. Nothing else mattered expect the fact that this was  only the beginning of the rest of their lives. 

~The End~


~Holy shit I might re-do this ending some other time bc this was hella rushed and super sucky lmao. i hope you guys still enjoyed and I can't wait to see what you think about the end! Bye Lovelies!!~

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