I love you

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~Hey, okay so this one is gonna be fun to write. I would like to say thank you @QueenSophia71 for some of the ideas for this chapter!! Well enough of me blabbering! Enjoy!~

Bakugou POV

I stayed up longer then I should of last night. All I could think about was if Deku was really okay or not. His dad yells really fucking loudly, we could hear everything that piece of shit had to say to him and holy hell it was harsh. I was pissed. Kirishima ended up sitting on me so I wouldn't 'Do you something I would regret.' When I finally calmed myself and tried to go to bed I realized how fucked I'm gonna be at school today, and I can thank that dumb round-faced bitch.

I started to get out of the comfort and warmth of my blankets and started to get dressed. When I finally got into my clothes for school I grabbed my shoes, jacket, backpack and started to head out my door to get to Deku's house. I walked a little slower then I usually do trying my best to calm my god damn nerves, before I knew it I was already in front of Deku's door raising my hand to knock. Right before I could knock Deku practically fell out of his door and right onto me.

"Ow asshole!' I groaned as he just laid on top of me like a dead weight.

"Sorry Kacchan! I woke up kind of later then I usually do so I was in a rush and accidentally tripped while trying to walk outside of the door." Deku told me while rubbing the back of his neck.


"Okay c'mon dumbass. We are gonna be late if you don't stop being slow." I mumbled while grabbing his arm and leading him towards the school.

We didn't talk the whole way, instead we just walked/jogged to school in silence. I honestly appreciated the silence, it give me time to think and prepare myself for the hell I am about to face as soon as I open the doors. I didn't bother letting go of Deku on our way to school, but i also didn't remember when I had got a hold of his hand either. 

When we finally got to UA I continued to drag the smaller boy all the way to the 1-A classroom. I didn't miss the stupid comments, the stares, or the whispers that were thrown our way while I stormed my way through the crowds of people littering the halls. I could feel Deku tense up every once in a while, I just ignored everyone with the occasional middle finger thrown up. It wasn't until we actually got into our classroom that everything went to shit though.

3rd person POV

When the two boys walked into the classroom they were still holding hands which was most likely the reason that everybody went silence. For a while everyone was just silent, everybody's attention was divided between Uraraka's pissed face and the two boys standing in front of the room. The greenette was visibly uncomfortable under the gaze of his classmates and the deadly aura coming off of the pink-cheeked female, while the fuming blonde had a look on his face that was practically challenging someone to say something. The blonde seemed to be making everyone in the room hold their breath but he was only looking at one person. Uraraka.

"Do you have something to say to me bitch?" Bakugou said with a sickeningly calm voice. When Uraraka didn't say anything he spoke again. "You look like you have something to fucking say, so spit it out dumbass." 

"Why are you holding his hand when your supposed to be holding mine Katsuki?" the brown haired girl said in the sweetest voice she could. Izuku finally came to his senses and tried to squeezed his hand out of Katsuki's grasp, only to be stopped by tight squeeze that reassured him a lot.

"Get this in your thick ass scull Round-Face! We are not together and we will never be together!" Katsuki yelled getting closer to her with every word. He had finally let go of Deku's hand when he was towering over Uraraka, both having a look on their faces that could kill.

"Am I not good enough? I don't understand why you wont just fucking fall for me, I'm pretty, smart, and have a good body!" Uraraka yelled back as she started to push him backwards with her finger. "I don't understand why I'm the second choice!" She yelled louder apparently forgetting about the audience that now gathered around them.

"You stupid bitch! I'm GAY!" Katsuki exclaimed with no hesitation or thought, the regret instantly showing on his face.  Nobody made a sound until there was  small almost inaudible 'oh' from Uraraka. Even though the urge to run away was strong and very tempting Katsuki stood his ground, the confidence and anger he had moments ago leaving him in waves. In all of the commotion Katsuki seemed to have forgot about the greenette, that is until he started to look around. Not seeing the freckled boy in the room he panicked and ran out without so much as a single word.

He ran through the hallways, looked in the bathroom and even the teacher lounge. He was about to give up, he started to walk back to the classroom with his shoulders slouched and head down. Honestly he felt like utter shit, he knows how bad the freckled boys anxiety is, yet he didn't think of him and ended up loosing him. His thoughts were interrupted by a small sniffle coming from the supply closet.

"Deku...?" Katsuki unsurely asked in a voice that could hardly compare to a whisper.

"Please just go away Kacchan.." Izuku replied in about the same level of voice. Instead of listening to what the smaller male Katsuki went a head and opened the door and saw a sight that broke his heart. Izuku was sitting with his back against the wall, the rim of his eyes were red and slightly swollen, and he had a few lingering tears running down his face which he angrily wiped away.

"What's wrong De-Izuku?" Katsuki asked softly.

"S-shouldn't you b-be with your d-damn gir-lfriend?" Izuku sniffled out with a slight glare.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend we went over this last night!" Katsuki shot back without missing a beat.

"Well Kacchan it's funny, your my best god damn friend and I'm not even sure if your telling me the truth or not!" Izuku said raising his voice slightly. "Jeez I feel so dumb! I love you so fucking much but I know there is no way in hell that you are ever gonna love me in the ways I wish you would!" ranted Izuku.

"Deku I do love you!" Katsuki desperately pleaded.

"Not like that damnit!" Izuku was growing more frustrated by the seconds and it was really starting to show. "I love you, like more then friends! Like I wanna kiss you or something! I don't fucking know but I do know that its way more then just my best friend!!" at this point his hands had made it up to his hair in an attempt to satisfy his frustrations. 

Katsuki didn't know what to say or do. his best friend, who he is absolutely in love with, just confessed to him and is so angry or nervous that he is yanking at hi sown hair. He had to think quick because he was afraid if he didn't he would fuck everything up, so in the heat of the moment he grabbed one of his hands with one hand and lightly gripped his face with the other and started leaning in. Without another thought he captured the greenette's lips with his own.


~Ngl this chapter was kind of shitty but now I am just trying to move it a long because I am craving the ability to write bkdk fluff! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it took so long to publish!~

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