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~This is basically just kind of a filler chapter I guess, the real stuff will happen in the next few chapters. Enjoy!~

Bakugou's POV

It was currently lunch time and Deku insisted that I sit with him at lunch, to be honest the only reason he wanted me there was so that he could nervously ramble about his dumbass date tonight. I must've looked as annoyed as I felt because he abruptly stopped and stared at me for a moment. 

"What do I have something on my face nerd?" I said while wiping my face.

"No, you just seem super uninterested and I know this is probably really boring for you but you can at least act excited for me you know." Deku stated with a pout.

"Oh please go on Deku because I definitely want to hear more about how your planning on sucking faces with Icy-Hot." I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I stood up with my tray. "Please go on it's not like I have anything better to do. Tch" I walked away and went to the classroom that I should be going to next, feeling ashamed and embarrassed about how I just acted.

I still had 10 minutes to spare before class so I went and grabbed a book from my bag. When I looked back up that stupid ass Roundface was there. Great that's, just my fucking luck.

"What Roundface, I don't have time for this right now." I stated with scowl.

"Well I heard that your boy toy got a date, so I thought that since I really like you and your super hot we should go out tonight." the dumb bitch said with her chest out.

"First of all Deku is not my "boy toy" so don't fucking say that, and 2nd of all-" I had to stop and think about my answer. I could either say no and be alone and sad all night or I could say yes and keep myself occupied. "Fine we can go out, but that doesn't mean we are dating! I'll pick you up at 6."

"Omg yes, I knew you would say yes." Roundface said with a smirk.

With that she walked back to her seat and the bell had rung and every one came and piled into the room. I watched Deku look at me and quickly moved his eyes to the floor before making his way to the seat behind me. I started to turn around to talk to him but the shitty bell rang so I had to come up with another way to apologize to him before the class ends, if I don't I will feel bad and not concentrate. Aizawa started to rant about some type of math equation as I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote a note to Deku. I started to stretch and just dropped the paper on his desk. I heard a few crumples followed by scribbles.

(Katsuki is Bold and Izuku is Italicized)

Hey Nerd, I'm sorry for how I reacted at lunch I was just irritated.

It's ok Kacchan but what's wrong? Do you need to talk? 

No, I'm good it was just me taking my frustrations out on you and I'll try not to do that again.

Okay if you say so Kacchan.

I started to write again but was interrupted by Aizawa.

"Katsuki, is that something you would like to share with the class?" he said.

"No sir, sorry sir." I said with a scowl as I stuffed the paper back into my bag.

--Time skip to after school because I'm lazy--

"C'mon Kacchan!" Izuku yelled to me as he pulled me all the way to my house.

"God damn Deku I'm coming!" I yelled back as I tripped over my feet.

He ended up dragging me all the way to my house and straight to my completely ignoring my parents who took no notice to it. As soon as we got up to my room he started to bounce around like a kitten, which was freaking adorable and I couldn't help but laugh at him a bit.

"Don't laugh at me Kacchan I'm just excited, this will be my first date!" he stated as he started digging through my closet.

"I know Deku, I have a date tonight to but you don't see me hoping around like a kitten do you?" I said as I nudged him out of my way to grab some clothes which was super easy since he was practically frozen.

He slowly snapped out of his daze. "What the heck!? You have a date and you didn't tell me?" He started to jump around again. "Who is it with?" He asked giving me puppy eyes.

Deku's POV

"Roundface asked me out so I agreed since I don't really have anything else to do." Kacchan told me with a shrug. "Try this on Nerd, it would look good on you." he said as he threw a pair of clothes at me.


"Uh okay." I said a little to quietly since he looked at me weird. Before he could ask any questions I ran to the bathroom and started to change with tears stinging on my eyes. 'Why the hell am I crying? Its not like I can get jealous when I'm going on a date to!' I swiped the tears away before they could fall and looked in the mirror, and damn I did the right thing by asking Kacchan to dress me. (the pic at the top) I walked out of the bathroom and did a little spin to show off hoe I looked to Kacchan.

"I told you it would look good on you nerd." he said with a smirk which made me blush a bit.

"Thanks Kacchan!" i squeaked out.

"What time is Icy-hot gonna pick you up?" Kacchan asked before scrolling through his phone.

"6:00, what time are you and, um, Uraraka going out?' I said, with the words getting caught in my throat.

"Same time." he simply stated.

The jealous feeling started to rise up in my chest as he looked back down at his phone. I picked up my phone and told Todoroki to just pick me up from Kacchan's house because there is no way in hell that I'm gonna risk my dad seeing Todoroki and beating me again. 

"Shoto is just gonna pick me up here." I said plopping down beside Kacchan on his bed. I only have like 30 minutes to go so I don't have to wait long. 


~I hope you enjoyed and that you stick around for the next chapter. Bye Lovelies!~

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