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~I finally have motivation!...ish-~

3rd Person POV

When the two boys finally got to Katsuki's house they took off their shoes and headed to the blondes door. Neither of them had said a word since Katsuki had found Izuku at the park and it was getting a bit uncomfortable, so with the little dignity Katsuki had left he decided to try and start up a conversation.

"I- um... look I'm sorry." the blonde nervously said while cringing at the fact he couldn't cover up his nervousness.

"Hm? Why?" Izuku asked, he averted his eyes away from the ground to finally making eye contact with the blonde.

"I'm not sure, but I feel somewhat at fault for you leaving school 'sick'." the blonde said with his confidence visibly coming back to him, but the smaller males dropped as he moved his eyes back to meet the floor. 

The room was quickly filled with silence again as the boys went over the events that previously took place, especially what went on in the closet. The greenette's face slightly reddened as he remembered the butterflies he got as his lips made contact with the blondes. As he thought more and more he slowly tilted his face to see what the blonde's facial features looked like, hoping that he could read his emotions so he didn't have to ask questions. The ruby-eyed boy's face was pretty neutral, his signature scowl was displayed on his face and his eyes were scanning over the boy in front of him. He definitely looked like he was thinking long and hard about something, but the other couldn't tell if it was the same thoughts he was having.

"Kacchan, can I ask you something?" Izuku anxiously asked.

"Go ahead." Katsuki replied calmly.

"Do you regret kissing me?" Izuku hesitantly asked in a voice barely more then a whisper, tears already filling the boys eyes as he got ready to be rejected.

"No I don't, do you?" Katsuki said with determination that quickly turned to uncertainty.

"No." Izuku exclaimed a little to quickly.

Both of the boys exchanged a look before bursting into laughter. It felt good to laugh, both of their nerves have been in a spiral all day so the relief that the laughter gave them was relaxing. They were so caught up in themselves that neither of them noticed Katsuki's mom in the doorway, watching them and waiting for them to acknowledge her. 

The two boys were finally able to catch their breathes as their laughter died down, they both couldn't help but smile as they wiped the lingering tears from their eyes. Katsuki was about to make a comment, probably on how fast Izuku replied, but before he could the sound of a women clearing her throat caught their attentions. 

"Oh uh hey mom-" Katsuki started while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why aren't you brats in school?" Mitsuki asked impatiently.

"Because Deku went home sick, and I have to take care of him?" Katsuki stated but it ended up coming out as more of a question.

"Oh my lord! You guys can't just skip school because you want to! I swear to g-" Mitsuki stopped herself and let out a sigh. "Just please go back to school tomorrow, also I expect an actual reason for you guys ditching school in a bit." With that Mitsuki walked out of Katsuki's room, but not before giving the boys a stern look to make sure they knew she was serious.

Both of the boys took a minute to just stare at each other before bursting into another fit of laughter.  It took them a minute to completely compose themselves, but when they finally did they both laid down not knowing what to say.

"I'm hungry." Izuku stated still looking up at the ceiling.

"Then eat something dumbass." Katsuki said while looking over at Izuku's face.

"Will you make me something?" Izuku pleaded using his puppy dog eyes, which was exactly what persuaded Katsuki. (I only bolded that due to the fact that Katsuki was the 666th word lmao)

When the two got down stairs and made grilled cheese sandwiches, (Dude's I am literally craving those right nowww) they sat down in the living room and talked about little nothings before Mitsuki walked in and plopped right in-between them, making both of the boys suddenly realize how close they were to one another. They shared a quick look, the greenette flushed with embarrassment and Katsuki just held his neutral face but was mentally screaming at himself. 

"So ready to explain yourselves now?" Mitsuki asked in a calm and collective voice though her face was practically shining with curiosity.

"Okay so basically-" Katsuki was ready to give an explanation that was coated with lies before he was rudely cut off by the nervous freckled face boy on the other side of Mitsuki.

"There was a rumor about Kacchan and this girl named Uraraka, which said they were dating. I got jealous and ended up storming out of the classroom without him noticing, I ended up walking around the halls until I heard someone calling for me so I panicked and hid in a supply-closet." he took a brief minute to take a breath not noticing the stares of surprise coming from the two blondes. "I started crying and Kacchan heard me and one thing led to another and we ended up kissing. "I felt really guilty or it and ended up going up to Mr. Aizawa and told him that I was sick so I could leave school. When I was off school grounds I ran to the park a few blocks away and bumped into a man named Dabi, who had harassed me a couple of months ago at the arcade which is a story for another time. He offered me a cigarette," Mitsuki's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to give a comment on the matter, but stopped as Izuku began to talk again.  "but Kacchan had already found me so we just walked back here and that's when you saw us." Izuku stopped talking signaling that he was finally done, while waiting for a reply he watched the two hot-tempered blondes process what they had heard.  Even though Katsuki had known most of the story he was still bewildered at the thought that not only had him and Izuku kiss but the man at the park was the asshole from the arcade. Mitsuki on the other hand was absolutely speechless, she had to let all of the new information sink in,

"Wow..." was all Mitsuki could say after finally being able to comprehend everything that was said. 


~Welp sorry for not updating this sooner, I have been in and out of being grounded so just bear with me lmao. I hope you enjoy and stuff. Bye~

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