Of course!

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~Okay here goes another shitty chapter lol~

3rd person POV

The small greenette was just as stunned as everybody else at the blonde's words. He couldn't tell whether or not he wanted to shout out of happiness or to runaway from embarrassment as everybody turned to look at him, as if they expected him to deny something. He felt put on the spot, and he wanted to leave as fast as he could and that's exactly what he tried to do. But of course with his luck the moment he tried to step outside of the door Mr. Aizawa walked in and yelled for everybody to get in their seats. As everybody took their seats Izuku could feel eyes glued to him, but the ones that stuck out the most were the vermillion colored ones that looked at him with a look of sadness, anger and regret. 

Neither of the boys listened to the lessons as the day flew by, when the bell for lunch came around Izuku quickly picked up his bags and school supplies and practically ran out of the classroom, the blonde boy tried to keep up with him but was stopped in the hallways by a certain half 'n' half boy.

"Bakugou, I think you should give him some space." the monotone boy said with little to no enthusiasm.

"Fuck off Canadian Flag, I have things to do." Bakugou tried to move away from Todoroki but the other male wouldn't let him pass. 

"I'm serious, he really does like you! But he is overwhelmed and you need to respect his space." Shoto looked over the blondes confused face before explaining further. "At the end of our date I had confessed to Midoriya, but he couldn't return my feelings because of the fact that he is head over heels for you. You should have heard him when he talked about your date with Uraraka, I have never heard anybody sound more jealous in my life Bakugou, so trust me on this one." Todoroki may have had a crush on Izuku but in this moment he was talking to Bakugou as his friend and not as his not so secret admirer. 

"Okay, don't make me regret listening to you halfie." Katsuki said in a softer voice then he had intended to use. Shoto gave Bakugou a soft smile before turning away and trying to find Iida.

Izuku was currently on the roof, he had his lunch beside him and his feet over the edge. He wasn't there to jump or pity himself, instead he was there to get some fresh air and to get away from all of the drama taking place in his life. On the roof it was peaceful ad you could almost see the whole city. It was a breath taking sight, and the light breeze that blew through Izuku's green waves of hair made it so much more enjoyable. Izuku looked over what he had brought for lunch and took out his small container of katsudon. He was so focused on his food that he didn't hear the creak of the door opening, the small click of the door gently closing or the sound of the two pairs of shoes that were clicking towards him.

"Hey, isn't it pretty lonely up here all on your own?" Denki asked as he plopped down beside the small greenette who only hummed in acknowledgement. 

"Would you mind if we joined you bae?" Mina asked hoping he would reply, but instead he only shrugged his shoulders in a way to say that it didn't matter to him.

"Will you please talk to us dude, you seem off and Bakugou is visibly worried about you." Denki dropped his cheerful demeanor and it was replaced with a worried tone and a look that Izuku took as pity.

"Guys calm down, I'm fine." Izuku gave them a closed eye smile and silently hoped that they would go away. When he noticed that they were still there he let face drop again and took another bite out of his katsudon before continuing. "I just came out here to get away from everything inside. I really like Kacchan but the way that I was being stared at as if I was supposed to accept his confession and marry him on the spot or something was way to much for me, and honestly I may just be being overdramatic but I would honestly rather everybody going back to acting like I don't really exist." Izuku rambled on and on while Mina and Denki tried to keep up. 

"Okay, okay Midoriya. I'm gonna tell you what I think now since you are hurting my brain." Mina said as she dramatically cleared her throat and looked at the two boys in front of her, mainly the one with the emerald colored eyes. "I think that you need to talk to Bakuhoe asap. You both like each other and probably have since before you dimwits could talk. Trust me on this one Midoriya, I know boys-" Denki couldn't help but snort which earned him a death glare from mine and a small giggle from Izuku. "So, I think you should just go for it. Like right now, before the bell rings so he isn't all "Die, die, die" for the rest of the day." Mina finally finished and was met with a dumbfounded look from Izuku. "Ugh do I have to spell everything out for you? GO confess to him child!" she yelled at which Izuku sprung up, grabbed his stuff and ran down the stair way to find Katsuki as fast as he could.

The small boy ran though the halls to find Katsuki, it felt oddly familiar to him. there was only 15 minutes left until class and Izuku had already checked the lunchroom so he figured his best bet had to be their 5th period classroom. He quickly made his way over to Professor Mic's classroom and with much effort opened the door. He was indeed met with his blonde best friend but he had his earbuds in and he was drawing at his desk.  Izuku cautiously made his way towards him and gently pulled out one of the earbuds.

"Kacchan..." Izuku nervously said barely above a whisper. 

"What's up Deku?" Katsuki responded in the same volume and tone, which surprised the greenette.

"I'm sorry about clamming up earlier! I really like you and I know you already know this from the time in the closet but I felt as though I needed to tell you again! I have like you since we were little kids and I have always just been to awkward to say so." Izuku finished off his small speech and looked at Katsuki with his nervousness plain on his face. 

Katsuki gave the boy a smile before standing up and standing directly in front of him. The curly haired boy lowered his gaze shyly only to have his face gently brought back up to meet the mesmerizing red eyes in front of him. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as Katsuki leaned forward the slightest bit. 

"Izuku.." the blonde said the smaller boys name to lead his attention back to his eyes before continuing. "Will you be my.....boyfriend?" although Katsuki's confident attitude didn't drop you could still sense the slightest amount of anxiety in his voice as he spoke.

"Of course!" Izuku exclaimed before he smashed their lips together in a soft but yearning kiss. The bell for class rung but the boys payed no mind to it as they continued kissing and their classmates stared in awe. When the boys finally parted from each they gazed into each others eyes like it would be their last time until Izuku turned to the gathering crowd around them.

"We're dating!" he exclaimed with tears of joy in his eyes.


~I'm gonna only write 1-2 more chapters before concluding this book I think. I really hope you enjoyed, also if you missed my announcement I will be taking a break from Wattpad in the next two days so my updates are going to be extremely slow! I'm sorry and I hope you'll continue reading it from here on out! Byeee~

P.S. I would also like to thank you guys for 1.6+k reads!! Thank you so much!!

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