Summer Break

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~Hey guys its Author! So last chapter was a flashback a week before this, so this is present day (the summer before 9th grade) I got kind of confused myself so I decided to explain it enjoy!! (also when they are thinking words are gonna be underlined, when they are talking it will just be in quotations.)~

3rd person pov

First Day of Summer Break

 Izuku woke up with the sun in his face, strong arms around his waist and a pillow that apparently had a heartbeat. He was pretty concerned before he realized he was laying on the Katsuki Bakugou aka his best friend. He knew it was him but just for confirmation he brought his head up and saw the most beautiful sight that he could ever imagine, Katsuki was asleep the sun was hitting his face in the most breath taking way. His perfect skin looked as if it was glowing, and his face wasn't holding his "usual" scowl but instead looked peaceful and happy as his eyes fluttered open and he made eye contact with the adorable broccoli boy below him.

When Katsuki's eyes made their way to smaller males stunning emerald like eyes he couldn't help but stare before taking in the rest of his features. Izukus beautiful curly hair was slightly disheveled (is that the word I'm looking for because I'm not sure) and though he looked tired his eyes had a energetic sparkle in them.  The last thing that really caught Katsuki's eye was the upcoming blush on his cheeks and the tip of his ears making his freckles pop out in the most extravagant way, that was most likely caused by how long Katsuki's gaze was on him.

Katsuki's pov

I had woken up from the feeling that someone was looking at me, I had opened my eyes and was met with the curious gaze of my best friend Izuku. I was probably looking at him for to long because he was developing a strong blush on his cheeks and ears. 

...Cute. . .

"Sorry but you were staring first Deku."

"Oh sorry, I was confused when I woke up this morning because I forgot that I had slept here last night." the nerd said as his blush got more intense.

"How did you forget? You have literally been here for a whole fucking week!" I said teasingly.

We both shared a minute of giggling before realizing the position we were in. Deku was lying on my chest, our legs were tangled in a mess of limbs under my giant red blanket, my arms were protectively around his waist and our faces were merely inches away from one another. 

(~This is kind of their position except they are now looking at each other and on Katsuki's bed~)

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(~This is kind of their position except they are now looking at each other and on Katsuki's bed~)

Even though though we are super close and most people mistake us as a couple it was still embarrassing and we both started blushing. I coughed and tried to come up with something to say before we both explode from awkwardness (and how incredibly gay they are).

"What do you want for breakfast dumbass." I say trying to break the ice.

His eyes lit up like a child opening presents on Christmas day, and holy shit was it adorable!

"Can you make me pancakes? Oh or maybe eggs, or bacon, or eggs and bacon! I cant decide Kacchan how about you choose!" Deku exclaimed slowly sitting up and moving to the edge of my bed most likely waiting for me to pick breakfast.

"I'm in the mood for some bacon and eggs, now the only question that I have left is do you like your eggs over easy or scrambled?" I asked him as I got out of bed and grabbed clothes for me to wear through out the day.

"Over easy!" he was jumping up and down like a child as he cheered for his over easy eggs.

-----Time skip to when Katsuki is dressed and cooking breakfast-----

I was in the middle of making breakfast while singing killing me softly when I heard a giggle behind me that just about made me shit myself (though I would never admit it).

"What the hell Deku, you don't just sneak up on people like that." I told the nerd who I somehow forgot was in my god damn house.

"Sorry Kacchan, I just wanted to get a video of your amazing singing voice!" 

It definitely took me a minute to process what he said.

...This fucking bitch-...

I'm pretty sure that Deku noticed the realization on my face because he broke up in a fit of giggles and ran away hiding his phone in his pocket. Of course my natural reaction was to chase the bastard, after I turned off the stove to make sure I didn't burn breakfast. 

"Get back here Deku or you'll have to pay the ultimate price after I get you" I said to him hoping the dickwad would delete the video.

"Never Kacchan, I want this video its cute!" the nerd said as he was deciding which way to run around the couch.

"Fine suit yourself." 

As I finished my sentence I tackled Deku and pushed him onto the couch. I pinned him down with my legs on each side of his waist with his arms pinned to his sides. When he was finally unable to around that much I started the ultimate punishment, I tickled him.

He was laughing super hard and and trying to kick his legs. He was practically crying which made me start laughing. 

"O-o-ok Kacchan just p-please s-st-op!" is what I think he was saying through his laughter.

"Thank you Deku now go make your plate." I told him as I stopped straddling him and helped him up.

After Breakfast we just watched movies and cuddled, (platonically of course) and that's what went on for the next week and a half.


~So I don't really know how I feel about using the characters POV because I don't think it really works but let me know what you guys think. Also before i go I probably wont post tomorrow because its my birthday and my family is making me hang out with them :). Bye and good night/afternoon/morning  where ever you are!!~ (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

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