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~Enjoy Lovelies!~

3rd person POV

It was about 9:00 am on Sunday morning when Katsuki woke up. The tired blonde started to get up but was stopped by the weight on his lower abdomen, he looked down to see the cutest thing he could imagine. The curly haired greenette was holding onto his waist with his face placed on his hip, the sunlight flowing through the living room curtains highlighted Izuku's face making his freckles stand out in the best ways. His face was a bit flushed and there was a small string of drool dribbling from his mouth to his chin.

Katsuki lightly chuckled and did his best to maneuver himself to where he can put a pillow under Deku's arms tryin to make sure he doesn't wake up the the smaller boy that was clingy on to him like his life depended on it. When Katsuki finally got up he started to make breakfast. 25 minutes later Deku woke up from the amazing smell coming from the kitchen. He slowly started making his way to the kitchen to see what Katsuki was making.

"Kacchan? What are you making?" the freckled face boy said with sleep still lacing his voice.

"Holy shit Deku! You can't just sneak up on someone like that!" the terrified blonde said while just barely stopping himself from hitting Deku with a spatula.

"Oh s-sorry -yawn- Kacchan" Izuku said while sitting down at the table.

Katsuki set am omelet in front of Izuku before sitting right across from him. The two boys sat in a comfortable silence and ate their food  with only the sound of Izuku complementing the blondes cooking. When they finished the boys took their plates to the sink and cleaned them before Katsuki's parents came out to greet them.

"Hey Izuku, hey Brat." Mitsuki said while swatting the back of Katsuki's head and giving the greenette a side hug.

"Good morning boys." Masaru greeted them with a smile.

Izuku said simple 'hellos' and 'good morning' while Katsuki just grumbled a small greeting while rubbing the back of his head. When the boys were done with their awkward hellos they went up to Katsuki's room and started to watch tik tok.

--Time skip brought to you by Bakugou's cup size--

 It was now 1:00 pm and Izuku was currently laying on top of Katsuki scrolling through Instagram when he had gotten a text from one of his classmates and 2nd closest friend Todoroki.


🍬🍬Peppermint Boi🍬🍬

Hey Midoriya, can we talk?

🥦🥦Broccoli Boi 🥦🥦

Of course! What's up?

🍬🍬Peppermint Boi 🍬🍬

It's best to tell you in person.

🥦🥦Broccoli Boi🥦🥦

Okay, see you in a bit!

"Hey Kacchan?" Izuku said peering up at the blondes beautiful red eyes.

"What?" Katsuki asked looking away 

"I'm gonna go meet up with Todoroki-Kun from class, he has something to tell me." Izuku says as he got up and started to get up and gather up his clothes, phone, charger etc.

"Okay be safe you damn nerd!" Katsuki yelled as Izuku rushed down the stairs.

Izuku's POV

I walked out of Kacchan's house and started to wonder what Todoroki wanted to talk about so suddenly.  Maybe he just wanted to hangout, or maybe he found out about my dad or my crush on Kacchan or maybe he is in trouble... Wait my crush on Kacchan?

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Shoto clearing his throat.

 "Oh um h-hey Todo-Todoroki. W-what's up?" I said silently cursing at myself for stuttering.

"Hey Midoriya, I really have to get something off of my chest but you have to promise me that no matter things wont be awkward between us." Todoroki said quietly while looking down at the ground, you could just hardly see the tips of his ears turning red.

"Uh y-yeah of c-course Shoto-kun!" I said scolding myself for not sounding as confident as I meant to.

"I like y-you." Shoto blurted out while turning completely strawberry pink.

"Oh I like you to Shoto" I stated with a smile. 

Why was he so worried, we are friends and friends are supposed to like each other! Wait did he not know that I considered him as my friend, have I not been as friendly as I should have been?

"Midoriya, I didn't mean in a friend way, I meant I want you to be my boyfriend!" Todoroki said stopping my mumbles from coming out any longer.

My smile slowly faded, I was shocked to say the least. I don't really like him like that as far as I know. I like Kacchan but he will probably never like me like that so I might as well give it a go. Who knows maybe I will learn to really like him!

"I'm not really sure I can return your feelings Todoroki." I watched as his face fell and I immediately felt bad. "But I can definitely give it a try, so maybe a date just to see how it feels." I said trying to lift his spirits and to calm my nerves down.

"Thank you for giving me a chance Midoriya! Does tomorrow at 6:00 work for you?" Todoroki eagerly asked.

"Uh sure but where should I meet you?" I said finally gaining my confidence and being completely sure of my responses.

"I'll just pick you up, I got you're address from Bakubitch so all you have to do is dress casually." Todoroki smugly said.

"Okay but you need to remember that Kacchan is still my bestfriend and you calling him "Bakubitch" doesn't help your odds in this situation." I replied to with the same amount of smug in my voice.

We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. About 5 minutes into my walk I finally realized that I get to go on my first date! I need to tell Kacchan! So instead of making my way to my house I went straight to Kacchan's.

As soon as I got to his house I walked through the door and straight into Kacchan's room without knocking. I walked in and he slammed his computer shut and looked like he had gotten into Kirishima's hair dye and got it all over his face.

"Kacchan I got a date! I'm going on my first date can you believe it?" Kacchan looked confused but it soon turned into anger then transformed to sadness but I was to focused on my own emotions to notice. "Wait what were you doing on your computer-" I asked watching as his face turned red.

"It was nothing Deku. Wait a damn minute, who are you going on a date with?" Kacchan asked me in a tone that was a lot calmer then usual as his face went from red to his normal glowing color.

"Oh, Shoto asked me out! At first I didn't want to say yes but I felt bad so I'm giving him a chance, but it's my first date and I am super excited! Do you think that you could help me dress for it tomorrow since we both know I suck at dressing myself please!" I said in one breath.

The Loud Dandelion's POV

"Of course I'll help you idiot, what else are friends for?" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Thank you Kacchan, i better get home or my dad is gonna kill me!" Izuku joked but I could since the small bit of truth in his sentence.

He had walked out of my room and heard my front door softly close. When I was sure he was completely gone I let my calm façade leave my face and instead let my face show how sad I really was. I walked over to my computer and opened it back up. It was the exact same as when I left it, with the only tab open being one that said "How do I know if I'm in love with my best friend?" i sighed and lied back in my bed. The last thing I remember thinking before I fell asleep was God damnit Icy-Hot!


~Hey there lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter. The next chapter should be pretty good since I actually have it planned out this time! Bye you guys!

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