Chapter 2: Ruggie Bucchi is the Damn Culprit?!

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Athena's POV

I started to have another dream at the mirror once again. I'm standing at a rock, facing down on a army of hyenas. It looks like they're doing a march...? "Animals are marching...?" Looking to my bottom right, a lion was walking with the hyenas. Hold up, that is Scar, Mufasa's brother and Simba's uncle as he began to sing. "A shiny new era is tip-toeing nearer," Scar grin. One of the hyenas look at Scar, confuse for a second as it ask. "And where do we feature?," Shenzi ask. Scar pull Shenzi's cheek and pull her closer so he can whisper. "Just listen to teacher."

He let go of Shenzi while rubbing her cheek to ease the pain. He continues on till he reach up to same rock phase where I'm standing at. Scar then peer down the hyenas. "We're going to kill Mufasa. And Simba too. Then I'll be king!!" All of the hyenas smile and grin. They think Scar is fit as a king. "Great idea!! Long live the king!!," hyenas cheers,"long live the king!!" Scar gave a malicious grin that the hyenas cheer for him as a new king. "My teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!!," Scar sang. After he finished, his emerald eyes gaze at me, slightly grin at the tip of his lip. It seems he'll do whatever it takes to get the throne for himself, even taking Mufasa and Simba's life.

Next thing I knew was the dream suddenly took me to a huge elephant bone yard. Why am I in a bone yard anyway? Hearing footsteps and voices behind me, I turn to see Simba and Nala coming this way. With a hint of sweat drop, this is the scene where they're going to be chased by the three hyenas: Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed. The two cubs then stop when they saw me in person. Before one of them speaks, Zazu land on my shoulder with a frown expression at the two. "What are you two doing here?! We're way out of the Pride Land. Thanks to her, I was able to spot her appearance and both of you," Zazu said. That almost scare me; even though, I felt his claws gripped onto my shoulder. Simba realize what Zazu meant. "You're the one that my father and the banana beak mentioned," Simba said.

I gave a small glance at the bird. In return, he only nod as an answer. It didn't bothered me too much as I quickly came over and kneel. "Right now, it's best if both of you return to the Pride Land. It's dangerous to be here," I said. The two look at each other before looking at me. "We only came here to explore the-." Before Simba could finish speaking, we heard some shuffling noise and giggles behind me. I look behind to see Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed coming out from the elephant skull. The trio seem to notice me with the two cubs and they show their bare teeth. "It seems we have a guest in our land," Shenzi hum with a hint of mischievous grin. Is she referring to me as 'guest' of the bone yard? This ain't good. We need to get out of here.

"Both of you, run!! I'll follow you!!," I said. The two didn't have time to ask why but they ran ahead of me while I follow after them straight to the bone yard with Zazu took off from my shoulder. Hearing the hyenas' running footsteps behind us, we didn't plan out ahead of time because we're being chased by them. Then we stop at an area to take a break and soon realize Zazu is missing. We quickly find him till we saw the bird shot up into the sky by the geyser. I feel pity for him though. "Hey!! Why don't you pick somebody your own size?," Simba call out. Eek!! It's not the time to say something like that!! Things took a turn when Shenzi goes for the two. I managed to grab Simba and Nala and continue running like in the scene of the movie.

After sliding down the spine, I toss the two all the way to the ledge of the cliff where the pile of bones are. I hurry climbing up the pile until I reach to my location. We continue running inside of the cave but lead to a dead end which isn't good. I heard the trio growling behind us as I put them in a rib cage for their protection. By grabbing a sharp bone nearby, I use it as a defensive mechanism, facing them. "You three stay away from the cubs or else I'll harm you," I growl. The hyenas slowly approach us, giggling at me. "You vs the three of us? Let's see how long you can stand," Banzai smile at me. Right as I was going for the offense, we heard a loud roar. It turns out Mufasa came to the rescue and maliciously attack them with no hesitation. Zazu soon flew in and land on my shoulder.

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