Prologue: What the Hell is Going On?!

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Athena's POV

While heading back to the hall, I can't believe I've been send into this Twisted Wonderland. My mind thought of Harry Potter because the story is related to magic like Crowley said. Like this kind of stuff doesn't even exist in my world at all; it's all just a fantasy and imagination to become a magician/wizard. Maybe this might be a my imagination or this could be reality for this place. As we're approaching closer, I heard someone from the other side.

"Did he get a stomachache or something?" We finally return to the Hall of Mirrors when the Headmaster slam the door open. "Not at all!!," Crowley yell. The students turn to see him and a boy sigh, shaking his head. "Ah, he's here," a red-haired boy said. We then stop in front of everyone. Headmaster place his hand on his waist, frowning. "I cannot believe you all. We were missing one new student so I left to look for it." He turn to face me. I tilt my head. "You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror." I was somewhat skeptical as I'm the only student left to assign a dormitory for my 'first day'.

Headmaster will keep an eye on that bastard if he tries to do anything stupid or rash. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to the Dark Mirror while everyone is staring at me. Being stared by them is creeping me out but can't do anything about it. The face appeared on the mirror. It look like straight out from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Wait a minute, the shape of the mirror. Isn't that the same one I saw in my dream? The same one except there was a hand instead of a face. I raise an eyebrow, not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me or dreaming. This can't be real. Dream is just a dream, right? Maybe the teleportation magic is killing my braincells like the Headmaster said before. It might be my imagination and shrug it off.

"State thy name," Dark Mirror spoke. I thought about using a fake name but it'll be very bad to create one. I took a deep breath and spoke. "My name is Athena Takahashi." I state my name as the mirror repeat my name again. "Athena. The shape of thy soul is..." We wait for the mirror to give us the answer. Seconds later, it respond. "I do not know." Headmaster was confused after hearing what the Dark Mirror said. What's with the soul thing whatcha call it...? This is new to me. The mirror look at me intensely and spoke once again to everyone. "I sense not a spark of magic from this one... the color, the shape, all are nothing. Therefore, this person is suited for no dormitory." To hear that I don't possess any 'magic', it does make me feel uneasy. Students in the room are muttering in surprise about it. Well, this ain't a good sign though, right?

I look at those who're whispering behind me is definitely nerve racking. Headmaster frown as he hum upon the sight he just heard from that mirror. "An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic at all!! In 100 years there has not once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world...," the Headmaster mutter. To see him in this state is making me worry.

Is it possible for you to send me home? I would love to return home so I can see my family and friends again. I heard Grim squirm out, pulling out the cloth from his mouth. "Then I'll take it over instead of that person!!," Grim shout. Just to see him loose is bad. Crowley shout at Grim for unbinding himself from the Lash of Love he received. "Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic!! Let me enter the school instead!!" I do not want to be near this raccoon at all. Plus, I don't have any spare clothes as he's preparing to use his magic. "Everyone, get down!!" Grim use his flame magic and off it goes. Now, it's on fire and it managed to burn someone. "Waah!! Hot!! My butt's on fire!!," boy in a turban yell. I watch him running around while it's still there, burning. I feel bad for the guy.

"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire!!" It looks like this creature love to burn this place. I can't believe it. The Headmaster then look over at the hooded figures nearby. "Somebody catch that raccoon!!" He yell at a group of students.

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