Chapter 4: Things Just Got Hella Fishy

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Athena's POV

The magic carpet flew us out of the treasure room and up to the sky. "Yahoo!! We did it!! Our prison break was a success!! We are free, y'know!!" Grim cheers in excitement. Once we're high enough, I look back down at the dorm below. At the courtyard, a resident look up to see us escaping the dorm with the magic carpet. "Ah!! Look up there!! They're escaping on Kalim's magic carpet!!" Scarabia A point at the sky. The others look where he's pointing. They witness us making our getaway. The second student gasp in shock. "Now they're runaways and thieves. What's the dorm head going to do if he finds out..." Scarabia B semi-cover his lip with a hand. Scarabia C click his tongue in disgust. "We have to catch them!! Wait right there~~~ Damn thieves~~!!"

The residents began the chase. Grim look at the chaos down below and snickered. "Heh heeh!! Eat our dust jerks!!" He stick out his tongue at the residents down below. I return my attention to the magic carpet. My hands relax on the carpet. "By the way, how do you steer this?," I ask. When we first ride the carpet with Kalim, I was distracted by the scenery that I didn't pay any attention how to steer this thing. Grim crawl back after I asked a question. "Steer? Ummm, Kalim grabbed onto the corner tassels and... Eiya!!" Just as he pulled it with one tug, it started a mess. Without warning, the carpet proceeded to fly in a loop, making me grab the fabric for dear life. "Waah?! It just did a flip!! Hey you!! Listen. To. Me!!" Grim fought with the flying contraption, but it only made things worse as the carpet, getting agitated and confused, started zipping all over the place, forcing the two going all out tug of war. It wasn't long until it started spinning in a tornado spin. His eyes went into a spiral. "Gyaaaaa!! I'm getting dizzy!!!! Stop, stop I say!!" Grim shrieked as I cling to the carpet as to avoid falling to my death.

The residents sees us trying to leave the dorm. "They're leaving the dorm!! After them, after them!!" They continue chasing behind us. We flew through the desert, the lounge, and the hallway. I finally broke free from clinging and nudge Grim with my hand. "Let me take control!!" He release his grip from the tassel and I took over. I use my thumb to ease it as the magic carpet slowly calm down. I lean over at the magic carpet. "Do you trust me taking over?" I ask the magic carpet permission. In response, it moves one of the tassel meaning 'yes'. It made me smile, allowing me to take over. Holding both tassels in hand, I lead straight back to the courtyard and head towards the mirror. Grim's expression change. "Waaaaahhh~~~~ We're gonna hit the mirror!!" We close our eyes shut, somehow manage to pass through the mirror without a hassle, into the mirror hall, and pass through a random mirror. Once we pass through, we flew so fast that the carpet crashed into something and we flung, sailing through the air, landing harshly onto... something.

"Ffgnaaa..." Grim was lying on his back, spirals in his eyes. Although all that crazy flying made me feel unwell, it didn't make me threw up for some odd reason. Probably one of my spirits use their Cosmo to ease the sickness which is good. Without it, I would've made a 'sticky mess' whatever we land on right now. "Where are...?" As I slowly get up from my landing position, a click noise echo the room and the environment lid up. I scan my surrounding and soon recognize where we are. "...Oh my, I was wondering who would be here at this time of night." A familiar voice fill the room. Footsteps approaching our location. I turned to the source to see the Leech twins in their dorm uniform. "I came to squeeze some food thieves but... it's just Lil' Shrimp and Seally. Got my hopes up." Floyd sigh in disappointment at the scene. I sorta sweat drop. Thanked god he didn't get a chance to squeeze the heck out of us. Grim recognize the voices and shot up immediately. "Ooheh...? What're you guys doing here?" Floyd quirked an eyebrow. "Why... I told you that we couldn't go home until the glacier melts."

"So we're in Octavinelle?!" Grim smiles. I nearly slap my forehead. Of course we're in Octavinelle because we just 'stormed in' Mostro Lounge out of the blue with a magic carpet. "Yes. You're in Mostro Lounge inside Octavinelle." Jade nods. He brought out his hand and I accept his gesture. He then help me up to my feet. The raccoon fist bump in the air. "W-We did it!! We actually got out of that prison!!" The magic carpet bounce in excitement. It was happy to leave its confinement what it felt like years. The duo look at each other in confusion. "Prison?" Jade turn his attention to me. I chuckle inwardly. It's gonna be a long story. Not sure if they'll believe our story. Floyd turn his attention to an unfamiliar object among us. "What's that square-flounder-like thing?" Floyd change the subject and point at the object. It tilt at him curiously. Jade scan it carefully and recognize who it belongs to. "It looks strikingly like Kalim's magic carpet..."

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